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  • Suggestion: Customizable Map Size

    I think that having a customizable map size would be good for different amounts of people.

    - Smaller maps for small LAN parties
    - Larger maps if we ever get 64 players or vehicles

    I think that being able to make the map any size would benefit everyone, even if you had one other player with a small small map it would be fun 8)

    If you agree please post and add on.....

    Graphics Designer
    Posted 13 years ago

    I agree and not just because of that, but because if you have a small nice map with many people there may be a chance of more smg's or shottie's in use :D

    I dont like the idea of 64 people in a map(maybe 48?) because of all the lag but bigger maps still would be fun :D

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    Well, nice idea, but I think what mapmakers need much more is the possibility to choose area where to spawn players/CPs/intels, like not just default 2x4 grid in standart place.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Having minimum/maximum map sizes, spawn areas etc would be a nice feature. Would open up a whole range of things.

    However, it may well require alot of code changing, and would take a long time..

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, that's what i'm thinking also. Just let mapmakers set spawnpoints (or spawnareas actually) - and they can change gameplay radically.
    A small example which I thought about just while typing this: one team (let's say blue) can spawn in the middle of the map (kinda D4E4D5E5) and other (green) will spawn "around" them (B2-G2-G7-B7 or whatever), so that would be "siege mod". And so on.
    Though ofc I don't know how things are organized in(side) this game, I don't think it will take a lot of time (and code changing) to do this (as well as map size customization).

    Posted 13 years ago

    This would be awesome thx for ur feedback customizing intel, player, etc, spawnpoints would also help the game <- Good idea

    Graphics Designer
    Posted 13 years ago
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