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  • prefab pack for advanced and new mappers

    Here is a small pack of 6 trees 4 sniper hideouts, and one called EMPTY.

    The EMPTY one is what I use to start a new morel in Slab6. it is much easier than deleting that stupid default sphere before you start modeling.

    For the new mappers out there, here is a fun project to get your feet wet.

    Just run Aos on your own server, or on your favorite server...
    Press F1 to save map file.
    Open map file in voxxed, place the cursor where you want it, and press U, and load whatever prefab you want.
    then press ALT-f3 and save your map!
    That is it! now just package it and give to friends, or run it on your own server :)
    Read the Voxxel help file for more info on placement.

    It can be fun, AoS can generate random maps. So all you have to do is generate, log in , and save when you find one that looks cool.
    Just adding a few trees and bases can really change the gameplay on a map.

    Who knows, with just a few minutes of playing around you might design the next Pinpoint map.


    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago
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