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  • Connection Failed: Server is full or misconfigured

    Okay so I know there's a lot of connection issues at the moment, and I apologize in advance if this has been reposted over and over.

    I was able to play for a few hours back in beta 0.22. Since then, I have always gotten the "Connection failed: server is full or misconfigured" error. This happens on every server, during different times of the day, and I have tried servers with pings 50 or 300, and everywhere in between.

    I tried to just wait it out and let new versions be released, but so far none have magically fixed my problem. So let's go onto the list of fixes that I have already tried.

    - Reinstall (both a .22 + upgrades install, and a clean .36 install)
    - Currently trying on Chrome, though I have of course tried firefox and IE.
    - Crying/screaming/whatever
    - Posting on forums
    - Changing name from "Deuce"

    I was under the impression that it was only the server host that needed to forward the 32887 port, but I guess I could be wrong. Unfortunately I'm currently at my parent's house on break from school, and I don't want to ask for the router password (unlike most parents my dad is a software engineer and knows what's going on / gives a shit about internet security).

    For those of you that feel bad on my behalf (we ARE on the internet, the place of universal compassion and empathy), I will be back in my apartment in a few days where I can forward the port through my router, although I did not think that this was necessary, as I have no desire to host a server. For now I have just opened the port on my Windows Firewall.

    Anyways, thanks for your input/help, and if you can't help, then thanks for reading! Have fun everyone.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I can't help because you actually did everything I would have done too, but it's really nice to read a help request which doesn't look like:
    "omagad! how to change teh name I dont want to be dumb deuce!11 and hey u need to give us more weaponz xD...bazooka and shit!!!!!1one"

    Hm, maybe some more random suggestions/questions:
    - what OS are you on?
    - try to install the game to another directory
    - play with the resolutions (on your desktop and with "config.ini")
    - check if DEP is disabled (google how-to)
    - ...

    Posted 13 years ago
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