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  • VOXED Terrain

    [Original post by Gregory, didn't want to Necro the thread]

    I wanted to start making the terrain for my hopefully upcoming map, Vimy Ridge, in Voxed, but I can't make the terrain right. Maybe I should use a height map? I searched for height maps on google and all I got were some crappy, most of the terrain water, or It wasn't smooth at all.

    Can any one help with this or suggest ways to make good hills in VOXED?

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    Try using this Height Map Editor


    Two problems:

    1) It saves files as 8 bit-bitmaps, not 24-bit, and the standard size is 1024x1024, but it's simple to convert them using photoshop or something.

    2) The terrain it makes is a little sharp, and usually can use some guassian blurring

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    cool deal :)

    For making the bitmap, I suggest leveler, or texturemaker. They both have professional tools for editing heightmaps.

    Last time I saw leveler was around 2003, you might be able to find a copy floating around. It does everything in 3D, and poops out the bitmap, and heightmap you need.

    Texturmaker is still around, and has a free demo version. The textuermixer is great for the color map, while the shader editor is awesome for baking shadows on the terrain.

    to preview the heightmap, you can use an overlay texture. This will make so that subtle changes are very visible, otherwise most stuff will look black.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago
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