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  • [request] Color Blind Skins

    So, I was showing my friend this game who is color blind (not completely), and he had a bit of trouble differentiating between the two teams (not anymore). However, if he was more severly color blind, I imagine that it would have ruined the game for him. Can someone make a color-blind-proof(hehe) skin?

    Posted 13 years ago

    What colors contrast well for him? Would black and white work? or red and green?

    I have tried to research it in the past for my own games, but there is not real Use color {x} rather than blue and color {y} rather than green, tutorial out there for making a colorblind mode.

    There might be some hack for openGL to enable a color blind set of shaders. Seems like lots of developers are implementing it into their games.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    This is a bit hard make a solution for but in any case HI!

    Posted 13 years ago

    @vinyl Howdy!

    @Jojo He can see well, but he had a bit of trouble at first or something. Mostly with intel and flags. So he doesn't really need it.

    Posted 13 years ago
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