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  • Classes Suggestion

    This is something that I wrote in another thread, but it was mixed in with a bunch of other stuff. In my opinion, these three classes would be balanced and add variety to the game.

    Solider: This is what we have now. A rifle, 2 grenades, 50 blocks, all that jazz. This one would stay the same.

    Technician: This guy would be the "builder." He wouldn't get grenades, and he would be armed with a pistol (if pistols are being added). His main ability would be a second block type. It would be in the 5th inventory slot (were the grenades are). Placing this block would take away 5 blocks from your reserve. They would be light gray in color. They can only be destroyed by another technician (but would take 6 hits) and shovels won't affect them. The can also be destroyed by explosives.

    Point Man: This would be the, well, the point man. He would get a shotgun. He would also get Dynamite instead of grenades. It can only be tossed one or two blocks, but blows up big after about 6 seconds. It would be useful for blowing a hole in Heavy Blocks made by Technicians.
    (Shotgun: 7 pellets per shot. Each one does 25 points of damage regardless of hit position. The spread would be man sized at about 1/4 of the fog range.

    This would add variety to a game that unfortunately is becoming stale fast (though is still major fun). It would also let you make fortifications that aren't made of wet newspaper. To get by these walls you would either need to bring a Technician (with a crappy gun) or a Point man to break through.

    Thanks for reading, please don't flame ;-)
    Discuss and tell me if you think it could work.

    Posted 13 years ago

    We have like 10 class threads

    Posted 13 years ago

    Um... ok? So...

    Do you think these classes would work?

    Posted 13 years ago

    i dont like the shotgun idea. Shotguns in this game would be as useful as a throwing knife. Give the technician a different weapon, and i think this is a totally legit idea

    Posted 13 years ago

    classes, pls go.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Anaconda non-major_video_game_style shotguns would rock.

    @axle your classes are wonky

    Posted 13 years ago

    ok, whats a "non_majort_Video_game_style shotgun"?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Probably one that can damage enemies that are more than five feet away

    Posted 13 years ago

    if you consider RL buckshot can hit as far as 20 meters, that would be kind of OP.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well the rifle has infinite range

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    does every game have to be class based?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Why can't we just not have classes?

    Posted 13 years ago

    shotguns have infinite range too (almost) but in most games, when you fire to someone who is like 30 meters away from you, shotgun damage drops to zero.

    :( i'd love to see shotguns ingame

    Posted 13 years ago

    @OVERLORD: +1

    Posted 13 years ago

    The shotgun sucks.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yes, shotguns WOULD suck. I almost made a thread about this once- since almost all combat takes place at medium to long range, 99% of the time the standard rifle would be a much, MUCH better weapon to have.

    Posted 13 years ago

    And even if you do encounter anybody at close range, you shouldn't have any trouble shooting from the hip. Shotguns aren't necessary, unless there are zombies at your house.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Classes... not in my opinion.
    Perhaps as a scripted game-mode (if that possibility is implemented) once there is more than 1 weapon you could 'force' the player to only be able to choose a certain weapon based on class..
    But it should be a community-made project for a few server hosts rather than a mainstream idea for the entire game.

    That said, I would be for the idea of reputation gathering and some sort of central stats system once the game has bounds (e.g. beginning and an end), and if there's some form of account system..

    Posted 13 years ago

    If we were to implement this system you would have to nerf the shotgun significantly. instant kill at 1/4 fog range my ass. The only instant kill I could stand for with a shotgun was if the 4 meters or closer. Pellets would be infinite range, sure, but the spread must be larger, and pellets do less damage.

    Keyword: IF. I hope this doesn't happen, but if it does I don't want to wait forever not playing the game until things are perfectly balanced.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm just gonna post my gun ideas here.

    Weapon: Suffield Trenchgun (Shotgun) [Replaces primary, the Rifle]

    Magazine: 5 shells. (30 stocked)
    Reload time: 2.5 seconds.

    Firing rate: 1 shot per second.
    Damage (Player): Varies. [Twelve pellets per shell] 3 HP (Limbs), 6 HP (Body), 10 HP (Head)
    Damage (Blocks): Varies. [Twelve pellets per shell) Four pellets per block (three blocks per shot, assuming all hit correctly).
    Accuracy: Inaccurate against anything past ten blocks.

    Main usage: Close combat.
    Secondary usage: Sabotaging enemy buildings.
    Notes: Good for saboteurs and close combat operatives.

    Weapon: Russell SMG (Submachine Gun) [Replaces primary, the Rifle]

    Magazine: 32 rounds. (128 stocked)
    Reload time: 4.5 seconds.

    Firing rate: 8 shots per second.
    Damage (Player): 8 HP. (Limbs, Body and Head)
    Damage (Blocks): Eight rounds per block (four blocks per magazine, assuming all hit correctly).
    Accuracy: Inaccurate against anything past seven blocks.

    Main usage: Covering fire.
    Secondary usage: Flanking/weakening enemy squads.
    Notes: No ironsight.

    Weapon: Halstead Revolver (Pistol) [Replaces secondary, the Grenades.]

    Clip: 6 rounds. (36 stocked)
    Reload time: 3 seconds.

    Firing rate: 2 shots per second.
    Damage (Player): 10 HP (Limbs), 20 HP (Body), 40 HP (Head)
    Damage (Blocks): Three rounds per block (Two blocks per clip, assuming all hit correctly).
    Accuracy: Inaccurate against anything past twenty blocks (ironsighting, twenty-five).

    Main usage: Draw when primary is empty/in need of reload.
    Secondary usage: N/A
    Notes: Your reliable sidearm.

    I don't want classes, just interchangeable primaries/secondaries.

    Edit: Just made a picture showing off the effective accuracy/distances of the guns, shown here: http://i55.tinypic.com/imm97a.png

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Beret, so you play as the blues 99% of the time right? cause if im not defending when i play greens, i don't go over the top once im over the river. I dig. my average combat range is <20 blocks, maybe more if im spotted when i make the grab or get caught in a long tunnel.

    The point is just because it isn't your style, don't knock it.

    @Nomad, lol so instant kills at the fog range is not ok then?

    Basically effective != instant kill.

    Also pellets would not have infinite range,are you mad?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Actually I spend it about 50-50 on either team, and I spend about 50-50 above/below the surface, too. You can still use your rifle just fine in a tunnel (in fact it's even easier since the enemy has much less room to dodge) whereas a shotgun out in the open is useless. Besides, what do you do when you tunnel to blue and find they've put the intel on a tower? If you have a rifle you've got a chance to defend yourself as you go for it. With a shotgun you're screwed.

    It's not about a style, it's what you can do with the tools you have. A shotgun pretty much forces a player to play exclusively in the tunnels, whereas the rifle is far more versatile.

    Come above ground every now and then. The view's actually quite nice.

    Posted 13 years ago

    when ever i click a sever this comes up:Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (aos) isn't associated with any program. and i dont know what to do! if you could help that would be amazing!thanks :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    SnipeR- You question shouldn't have been posted in this thread. You could have started your own thread or searched for a problem similar to yours.

    To fix your problem, it sounds like you need to actually download ace of spades.


    Click on the "grab beta .42!" and install everything. An icon should then pop up on your desktop which you can then use to play on a server.

    Posted 13 years ago

    didnt help me and sorry. i have installed it and i tryed re installing it still same error :(

    Posted 13 years ago
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