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  • Future clan: Hosting a server and forums ?'s

    Within the next 1-2 months i would like to start a new clan. I joined the Komrade clan as a temporarily thing but if i make a clan i would like to ally with them. But i just want to get some information on hosting a server. A couple questions i have are

    Can any computer run a server?
    How to make a server?
    Can i play on the server and host at the same time?
    Where can i put a forums site?

    I'm in the building stages and don't plan to take other peoples Clan members, that isn't the goal. The goal of my future clan is to improve strategies and to have a good time. I'm planning on no requirements for the clan except that you are an active player.

    AGAIN THIS IS IN DEVELOPMENT, i don't plan and don't want to leave the Komrade clan for a couple months

    Posted 13 years ago

    umm...well..dam you know i appointed a Cartographer and a recruitment officer who did those thangs...i have no clue =S lol.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    hmmm...maybe i can find somebody then. can you tell them to see this thread cuz i would like to learn

    Posted 13 years ago

    That shit's easy. Any comp that can run AoS can run servers. To make one, just open port 32887 on your router and then run the server.exe . You can play and host at the same time by hitting local connection on the server page.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok, how do you open port 32887 and run the .exe?

    Posted 13 years ago

    for opening, it depends on your router. the .exe is in the AoS directory on your local disc.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago
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