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  • Found some good C++ Tutorials...

    A realley great channel I found with tutorials for C++ programing.

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    Nice, I've actually been interested in learning this stuff for a while.

    Touché Amoré
    Posted 13 years ago

    I've written a few console apps in c++. I'd recommend at least looking at some C first, it's like the Latin of programming languages in that most every popular language takes some structure from it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    good one, i was thinking of learning some C, i know a little bit of python now, but i think C might also be a good option for some things

    Posted 13 years ago

    If C is this: 0110010011000010101100A100111001010010010B01011100101090 I'm not interested :P

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    If C is this: 0110010011000010101100A100111001010010010B01011100101090 I'm not interested :P

    Uh - no. That's binary. Binary is only 0 and 1, not "9" and "B" and "A".

    Posted 13 years ago

    Start simple. Learn basic concepts in a nice simple language like python. Once you get the concepts, picking up a new language is pretty easy.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Learn C first, then C++
    Python works as well, but it's mostly used by hackers :P

    Posted 13 years ago

    As a general response to you guys, f*cking magnets how do they work?
    Well from what I read on the python website, it's a complier with it's own languge integrated with C and C++ so my choice is clear...BYON! Nah i'm gettting python :P

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    Start with C. It's programming in it's most basic (and readable) form. It's flexible and like Doodrgn said, it's pretty much the "Latin" of programming languages. Learning the fundamentals of a low-level language like this can prove useful when using higher-level languages.

    Python is also a very common first language due to it's low learning curve and easy to follow syntax.

    For web-based programming I'd suggest PHP due to it's low learning curve and vast amount of documentation.

    The only language I have a personally grudge with is Visual Basic/BASIC. I suggest that nobody use it for their first language as it can lead to some horrible programming habits and confuse you syntactically. That being said, the .NET languages (besides VB.NET) are very good for beginners and novices alike due to the documentation, amount of libraries, and it can come in handy given the sheer demand of .NET developer job positions.

    I can't speak much about Java, as I've never spent too much time with it (although C# is very much like it), but it too is often a beginner language, which possibly to help blame for the somewhat tarnished image it has.

    In short, just follow this:

    - Learn the programming fundamentals (C)
    - Try your hand at Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    - Find a language that you're comfortable with and mess around with it (if C isn't enough, etc)

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    @stackoverflow......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................f*cking magnets, I'll get right on that. TO THE YOUTUBES/GOGGLE!(sends post) Holy crap I thought it would go down a line.

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago
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