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  • initdirectdraw failed

    I get this EVERY TIME I connect to the server
    seriously what

    just updated drivers and everything

    Posted 13 years ago

    Apparently this is the mystery message and no one knows what's wrong.

    Have you tried hosting your own server and joining it?

    Have you tried another computer, a LiveCD, or VM?

    Have you tried compatibility mode?

    Have you tried reinstalling DirectX?

    Just random things I can think of the top of my head.

    Posted 13 years ago

    So there is no solution to this problem at all?

    Posted 13 years ago

    It might be the resolution you want to use. When I tried using 1920 x 1080 I kept getting that error. Same for 1600 x 900, so I use 1280 x 720, and like part of the screen at the top isn't visible. The resolution setting seems sort of wonky I guess.

    Posted 13 years ago

    set your resolution to 800x600 heres how:

    1. go to aceofspades folder (if you don't know where its probably in ''my computer, go in C: then program files, then you should be able to see ace of spades, open it)

    2. open config

    3. where it says ''xres'' change it to 800, where it says ''yres'' change it to 600.

    if that doesn't work, (it worked for me) you should keep messing with the resolution. (if you want the default one, just re-install the game)

    Posted 13 years ago
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