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    Usually I wouldn't contribute to this kind of thread seeing as it seems like a bit of indulgent circle jerking, but I should say that a guy named Cpt. Crow is always a joy to play against. Time and time again we'll both make our way through the battle and get to the front lines fairly quickly, only to come face to face with each other and have a duel- often finished before anyone else can intervene. I always seemed to find him right at the front line, and whenever I got killed it always seemed to be him, and whenever I killed him it was always right on the front line as well so it's possible he saw it as vice versa too.

    Anyway, he was always very tactical, skillful and professional. A true proper opponent.

    Posted 13 years ago

    There is a new one with more credibility, also beret is in it.

    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago

    I nominate myself since I'm probably the best.

    You're welcome.

    Posted 13 years ago

    There are already like 2 or 3 other HOF threads, so why bump the oldest one?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Just wanted to make it clear.

    Posted 13 years ago
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