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  • Remembering why I dislike minecraft servers

    To pass the time I got on a no white list server, because my old one shut down. After gathering some supplies and having a nice house under ground an admin went ape shit and put us all in an arena to fight to the death, then teleported the survivers into the sky so they fell to their death. When I asked what was happening I got banned. Admins piss me off sometimes.

    But Admins in AoS are much less sadistic and cruel, which is why I prefer AoS over minecraft often.

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    See when weird stuff like that happens I just say 'lolwut' without question, but the kicking for no reason other than actually asking is kinda dumb.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I was playing in a really great server for quite a while, made a few friends, got into a faction, etc. etc. Then one of the server owners and his followers griefed everything. So they kicked him off the staff and reset the server, I was totally fine with that, because I think starting from scratch is half the fun of minecraft. But just a few days ago, they changed the fucking private command, so now instead of typing "/cprivate" and clicking on a chest/door/hatch, you have to put a SIGN in front of it and type [PRIVATE] on the sign. And then the chest has a fucking ugly ass sign on it. Also after they changed it, everything that was previously private was changed to public, so I was fucking robbed :|

    Posted 13 years ago

    the worst thing that griefing in minecraft hurts more
    my friends house got griefed and went batshit insane
    and griefed the entire server
    just as i went to make flint and steel to open my portal
    he slaughters me and grabs all my diamond and jumps in lava

    Posted 13 years ago

    This should be in off topic.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I am not liking Minecraft at all.

    I found my server in RUNES today. Its a private server with a white list and someone got in it and greifed it to hell.

    I shut down the game and began to rage, so I went on AoS and began to kill alot of the newbies there.
    And they ragequitted.

    Posted 13 years ago

    This is my story and how I came to shun minecraft.
    I had been on a server for 2 months up to that point, I donated to it, put alot of time into it. We were recently notified we would be getting a map change, a new world to explore, so on the last day before the refresh, I went a bit crazy and griefed some random stuff, only to be banned by a MOD. I was saddened, apologized, to no avail. I took up 20 more bucks and got another MC account ONLY to get on that server, most people knew who I was and were fine with it, I built a huge floating thriving city with over 40 members, It took alot of effort to make and (in cubes) was 512,512 PURE LEGIT SMOOTHSTONE. All Smelt and mined by hand. it had everything needed, arenas, mines, greenhouses, mushroom farms, roller coasters. Then WTF one day some dick face 15 year old Admin just found out who I was because he was retarted not to keep up to date. Banned me again. I made ANOTHER account to get on THAT server. That Admin banned me again, no matter how my good my appeal was.

    I recently found out my city was effing griefed as that admin probably organized some event to take it down. And now my entire city is nothing more and a few stacks of cobble in some chests. And I was banned for griefing? REALLY? FUCK YOU.

    EDIT: now that I remember, that admin on teamspeak sounded like a complete nerd, like he had a dick shoved up his throat.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Funny thing is that I get deuces to fight in arenas and the champs just get stuck in there cuz i forget bout them....

    Posted 13 years ago

    StaticCake had a server and me and Monkeebomb went on it.
    We built an awesome floating island, a train station (underwater too), a temple and other people who came onto the server made pretty cool things too.
    Long story short: Cake made the server public and put it on the MC forums. For a while we didn't go on the server, we Cake and Monkeebomb went on the server, they found EVERYTHING griefed >:(.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    You could have just loged out you know.
    other then that just go on a trusted server with much players (probably cause the admin is sane in there) and play there.

    The Mighty Comrade
    Posted 13 years ago

    mabye its a good thing my computer can't play minecraft...

    Posted 13 years ago

    I haven't played Minecraft in months, but the only server I play on is a private server run by my real-life friends.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I haven't seen a minecraft griefer. I play on servers my friends make. I'm not saying you don't, but a server you only care to find from being invited by the friend who made it is a plus. Never have needed to lock chests, never needed locked doors, never came home to rubble, never came home do find my wolf was killed, never had a sign retyped to say 'F*** YOU LOL I ATE YOUR PORKCHOPS'... You get the picture. Private servers are good servers.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I only pretty much play on one server it rarely ever has griefing problems and all the admins seem sane. Its a pretty good server the only problem I have with it are some rules.

    Joseph Stalin
    Posted 13 years ago

    And this is why I only play in Kongregate's server or an RP one.

    Posted 13 years ago

    The only time I've ever had trouble with minecraft admins/server owners was when three people went apeshit for some reason and started griefing the entire server. My other friend and I were banned because we knew the three idiots.

    We weren't even online when the damn thing happened, but we still got banned. >:(

    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    I play on a general build/pvp/random server called WTFCraft. It's whitelist only and generally there's an abundance of admins. The owner runs backups every 15 minutes and uses BigBrother, so if something were to be griefed, it would take no time at all to undo it.

    PvP, Build, and Survival Island are on separate servers. Whitelisting is also pretty selective just like banning is on Goon Haven. If an admin doesn't like you or thinks that you're immature, expect to be de-whitelisted/banned without warning.

    This actually happened in the PvP server. This is a dramatic re-enactment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2L6HNyLZt8

    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh also because of THIS.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, due to bukkit MC admins can sometimes go bat-sh*t-crazy, but I play AOS to shoot and build and MC tomine and well, craft.

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    MC admins can be retarded, whats there problem? too much yogcast.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    Yogscast is a piece of shit anyways, never watched it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    (Yogcast fanboy voice) Your just jealous you can't be as (snort) awsome as they are cuz you (inhaler) suck! :P
    Meh there alright the mod showcases are the only reason I watch them.

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    Yogscast is okay, I just watch it for the funny bits.

    SMG supporter
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^My friend pesters me about yogcast.
    Tbh I don't give two shits about that minecraft fanboy fapping material.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    Mod showcase is okay.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ My mind just imploded.


    Reverend Brown
    The Reverend
    Posted 13 years ago

    most admins and moderators are just shit anyway thats why I played only on my own server back than.

    Posted 13 years ago

    It's so much easier to be in a server with people you know in real life, because it's under a "If you do anything bad, I can hurt you in real life" rule.

    Posted 13 years ago
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