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  • [Grenade launcher] - Proof of concept (cant be used for griefing)

    Iv heard it suggested a few times now, but they suggestions have always been MASSIVELY flawed, making it a griefer tool.

    Well, iv come up with a design that could be implemented into the game making it fun and UNUSABLE as a GRIFERS tool.

    So PLEASE read the ENTIRE thing before commenting.


    After getting as certain number of kills or intel captures you "unlock" the launcher as you would an airstrike, but by getting (40) kills or (2) intel captures, the launcher has finite ammo (10 perhaps) and is NON refillable. You will only have those 10 rounds.

    It will fire normal grenades, except they will detonate upon impact instead of having a timer. BUT the launcher is NOT CAPABLE of destroying blocks.

    So it can NOT be used to break blocks and herego cannot be used to grief.

    When you run out of ammo the launcher will disappear from your grenade slot, and you can only get it again by getting a certain amount of kills (40).

    How to unlock: get 40 kills or 2 intel captures

    Ammo capacity: 10 grenades

    Break blocks?: no, it cannot break blocks

    Ammo refillable?: No, the ammo cannot be replenished, even from a tent, if you run out of ammo you must get 40 more kills or 2 intel captures to unlock it once more.


    Damage: same a regular grenade

    Rounds: 10 (non replenish)

    Range: as far as you can throw a regular grenade?


    Another user has made a model and ironsight that would be perfect for this,


    Model and image by: Testobject

    Origin thread: http://ace-spades.com/forums/topic.php?id=5682


    Thank you very much for reading,

    Thoughts, ideas etc are welcome.

    - DE

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago


    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    it doesnt seem like a bad idea, but i disagree with the destruction. i remember somebody said that they thought explosives in a game with destruction doesnt work, but i dont see that at all. explosives in games like this are great, they make everything a lot more fun.

    i also think that the point of a destructible environment is to be able to get destroyed. it is kind of pushing it when it is turned into a flat wasteland, but you can still place blocks, so it can still be interesting.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ griefers make block destruction on a nade launcher a big no no.

    It would increase griefing activity massively.

    So no block breaking is best i feel

    at least until we have a griefer solution.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    This looks very promising,
    could the idea be expanded to include other weapons as rewards as long as they fit with the style of play and are worth the effort to achieve?

    Posted 13 years ago

    i dont see a problem with it, you might as well just remove all block damage if you cant handle the fact that somebody is going to blow your building up if they're given the ability to

    Posted 13 years ago

    true, i cant speak for those who take there time to build things who will have their own vocal opinion but as a general grunt who enjoys the simplicity of spending my time in game shooting the enemy and moving to a better position to shoot said enemy i like it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    hmm maybe not as popular an idea as i first thought, i expected this thread to be as booming as my pistol proof of concept thread =/

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    *totally ignores post above* Maybe if the grenade launcher got less ammo and was able to breake blocks

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't like the idea of having to unlock it. I rather have every weapon be available always.

    Joseph Stalin
    Posted 13 years ago

    Have it as a secondary weapon and only have two shots that is probably the best solution to it I think

    Posted 13 years ago

    the fact that it is unlocked at 40 removes....99% of greifers anyways. It should be more then you can throw a grenade, or atleast make it show an arc as to where it'll land, a le Red Dead Redemption maybe?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Amen Nowa90. Exactly what I thought

    Posted 13 years ago

    I say, 7 shots, 1 shot loaded, Can break blocks (I mean seriously, that is a pretty hard killstreak), no refills, and death removes it.

    As much as it seems CoD, killstreaks could be useful in the fact it allows us more things (I.E Tank?)

    Edit: Can a mod move this to suggestions?

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    Well if you have to make 40 damn kills before you can use it, I somehow doubt that any griefers are going to take the time to rack up hundreds of kills just to spam nades like piss. Or if they are, then they're quite a productive member of the team, so they're effectively trying to outrun exercise. Let the launcher have its block destruction, if it's going to cost forty kills to unlock it.

    Posted 13 years ago
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