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  • The only two things I would love to see in the game

    in some future update would be trench guns (WW1 shotguns) for more intense close range combat and barbed wire.

    Please don't overcomplicate this game, I love how simple and yet deep it is in it's sheer simpleness. I love how 99% of the players still don't know how to properly build a bunker and teaching them that cover has to be two blocks high. I love telling Deuces how to change their names, I love sneaking into the Green base and marauding their bridges/bunkers/autism buildings.

    Trench Guns would strengthen some players in close range combat while over mid and long range they're weak, which is where the strengths of the rifle lie. This could make for an interesting dynamic if you'd spawn a third of the players randomly with a trench gun and see how it plays out.

    Barbed wire on the other hand... well, it's not a block and there's nothing like it that you can recreate in the game. Of course the amount of barbed wire one can have and carry must be pretty limited, else you'd just have entire parts of the map sealed off with it. I think of barbed wire functioning this way:

    The space blocked by barbed wire is still passable, but you'll get badly hurt when on the other end.

    Barbed wire can be destroyed by hand grenades, making the two you have even more valuable and forcing players to learn how to throw them properly.

    That is all. Thanks for reading. :3

    Posted 13 years ago

    I've been wanting a shotgun/trench gun for a while, and I like the barbed wire idea a lot. I'm for both of them, easily.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Your idea about spawning one-third of players is not very effective.

    Is it just one third of all the players currently in the server? If so, then this could make for insane balancing issues between teams. Suppose it's not, though. You'd still have people killing themselves with grenades until they spawn with a trench gun.

    As for the barbed wire, while it gives the game more possibilities when defending intel, the team base, etc., the infinite wire hack that will inevitably be made should this item be implemented into the game will not be fun.

    Both are good suggestions, but could use some polishing.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ofc, all I provided where examples of how they could be implemented. But going by "It can be hacked and then it will be nasty" isn't really a counter-argument for anything. :s

    Posted 13 years ago

    No barbed wire!!! I hate excessive tunneling and that would encourage it, but a trench gun is an awesome idea.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Neither is that good of an idea. Most players snipe or camp, so neither would be that effective for a sniper, or someone trying to take them out.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Anaconda, think about this: If you dig behind (or below) a sniper's nest, what would you rather have? A Shotgun to kill as many of the fckers in a short time as possible (due to close range combat) or a rifle to shoot one by one with all of them noticing after the first shot?

    You know, the game's three dimensional and getting sniped can be avoided.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ok, that is one situation where a shotty would be handy. But, how often do you see snipers all huddled together? I would much rather toss my two nades in there if there is a sniper convention like the one you described

    Posted 13 years ago

    Usually there's 1-2 Snipers / Bunker and they're spread out so they don't attract shots on each other, resulting in situations where a Trench Gun would be the handiest (and not nades)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Jesus this game is not based off ww1, he said the name was a reference to Vietnam, therefore this game is a fictional military campaign so it needs more fictional weapons.

    Posted 13 years ago

    'nades still work. I could take both of them out with my nades. and noire, are you saying we shoot have lazar guns and auto shottys?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Noire, sorry but the game plays and feels mostly like a block-based WW1 simulator lacking the poisonous gas, artillery and machine guns of WW1.

    Posted 13 years ago

    having a shotgun would be awesome! people want vehicles and artillery but that would change the game greatly but having a shotgun/trench gun would be perfect! cuz its all about sniping and theres not much you can do once you get closer to the person so having a shotgun would still keep the game simple but give you close range and long range weapon.. tho lets say you can only have one of them? or be able to change while in/close to your tent push E to switch to trench or something would be the easiest way to incorporate it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    As a soldier that fought in WW1, I can safely say that this game is nothing like WW1

    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah you're right, feels more like 1812...

    Posted 13 years ago
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