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  • How does a clan function?

    Hello people.

    I've been playing AoS since some of the first patches,as early as the first one to be honest,and I've loved it ever since.

    Now,I came here from another game called Battlefield Heroes,where the clanscene has grown from Closed Beta,so I know my way around them,seeing I had over 50 clan battles.

    I don't exactly know how clan wars work in AoS though,since I can't see this game as a clan based one,but I'm still interested in it.

    Can one of the members,or leaders explain it to me?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well, basically if one clan wants to do battle with another, the leader of one clan will post in the the other clans thread and/or organize it on the official AoS IRC channel (http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=%23AoS) There's a thread somewhere which had a list of clan battles and dates they were going to be held on.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yes, thanks Kanye. There is a thread with all the Major Clans on there and the list of clan battles had in this game. The thread is updated every few days to keep up with what's happening, you might want to read through those updates to see which clans I removed and put up since the thread was created.

    Here's the thread: http://ace-spades.com/forums/topic.php?id=4524

    Posted 13 years ago
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