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  • Request : Tutorial sub forum

    In the hopes of ending the "how do I....." threads, and the brow beating , and Ass-hole-ery that goes along with it. ( eg..ZOMG, use search!!... OMG 'nother N00b!)

    Also have a "Request tutorial" stickie to keep things nice and neat. That way people do not have to sift through thousands of pages to find tutorials.

    Would be really nice to go to one place, and learn everything you need to know.

    I personally despise wikis, hard to use, and they are never complete or updated.
    (check out the bitmap importer link, it is broken ever since I have been here.)
    It is like posting something on a fourm, and everybody has the edit button. (Hey, what could possibly go wrong!?!?)

    I like people being able to post comments ,and corrections as well. Many times forum threads evolve to huge community written tutorials. They are filled with tips, tricks, updates, Ect.... Wikis get the original post butchered up into little sub topics, so they are really hard to follow most of the time.

    Wikis also make it hard for people to contribute. Usually only a few of the "chosen" ones ever get access. And those who do get access sometimes play little games of favoritism, and discrimination. They like deleting stuff, and adding stupid comments, and opinions to other peoples work. (from past experience, not here)

    Anyway, a tutorial thread would really rock! I know i am not going to be making any more tutorials soon. It seems like a waste of time, you spend half a day making something useful, and it gets burried under all the "ZOMG I can make any skin in the world, challenge me!" posts.

    A note to the interwebs police - EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT A F***ING SEARCH FUNCTION IS FOR. If people are asking questions usually means that the search did not work, or they are searching for the wrong things, or the thread is way to cluttered to find anything.

    I bet a tutorial section would cut the "How do I?" and "Where is the...?" threads down quite a bit.

    The request stickie should keep things clean I would think. i requested a tutorial section on blender artists forum, and it has been a huge success. If you want to learn blender, IGNORE the manual, and head to the forum to actually see the new undocumented stuff in action.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    How do I read? How do I search? Lol

    Posted 13 years ago
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