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  • Maps So Far

    Honestly, the large maps are STUNNING when it comes to the graphics. :D But what other kinds of terrains should there be???

    Posted 13 years ago

    I've been messing around with trees and a sort of river gulch canyon thingy... http://i.imgur.com/r28J5.jpg

    I try to pay attention to subtle surface terrain details without making it too crazy usually. Good heightmaps using noise, difference clouds & gaussian blur are the key.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ looks good bro.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^^Yeah totally! O_______O'

    Posted 13 years ago

    Awesome work as usual Buffet_of_Lies. You really put your heart into your work :)

    The 3d height map editor template i made makes doing all kinds of terrains easy.

    Wish someone would sticky it, It can really make it easy for new people to make nice terrains. The "Make a blob, and blur" method is hard as hell, and makes some really plain looking terrains.

    This tool is pretty cool too....

    Too bad the new people will never see the threads I made. They have sank like turds to the bottom of the forum bucket too.

    Newbie choices are : Voxel, voxel, and voxel. This is why terrains and maps look so plain.

    Tutorials from me, sandcrawler, and a few others are pretty much lost. The newbies will come here and click on the stickies, and be totally lost starring at a black image, trying to paint a near black grey, and at the same time visualize it.

    I hope this is just a minor over site. It would be a shame if the "old boys" syndrome is keeping the new people ignorant.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    I like basic flat maps. Like pinpoint. That's why it's the only map I run on my server.

    Question. Does anyone know the name of the map running on Goon Haven?

    Posted 13 years ago
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