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  • Danhezee's Ultimate feature request thread

    I'll to it this as more ideas are requested.

    HUD Requests:

    I would a red and green arrow that points in the of the briefcase. i.e. if the player is facing the case the arrow points straight up. If the player is facing 180 degrees away the arrow points down. Basically the arrows circle the player, giving them instant information about which direction to move.

    Weapon Requests:

    Machine guns and rocket launchers and shotguns. Maybe have everyone start out with the rifle and have kits spawn randomly through the map. Maybe have them drop from the sky so they always land on top of something. You'll have to think about that, I am a big believer in Minimum Viable Product.

    Block Requests:

    Have a variety of special blocks. That cost x amount of blocks to create. i.e. A bomb block that explodes when hit or maybe yet an automatic gun turret.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I definitly want more weapons that take advantage of destructable terrain... maybe make it class based with engineers an stuff.

    More block types is gonna take a lot of work... Right now the map compresses down to around 2mb because theres really only one block type. Any aditional block types could double map size without some clever bitpacking.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago


    I am guessing you store x,y,z coordinates and color information in your data structure. Would if be possible to create a new class of a block and have certain colors reserved for them?


    you create a class for steel, it takes twice as long to break through. you set the color to 0x888888 in the data structure. Could it still function in the game as a block that takes double damage?

    Posted 13 years ago

    It looks like the community is going to give you your weapons based off of the other threads i see

    Posted 13 years ago
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