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  • YoungMonty's Suggestion Thread

    Here are some ideas i propose

    -First, it be nice to have a mobile way of replenishing your health and ammo, even if it won't replenish to full

    -more game modes like Team Deathmatch, King of the hill and others

    -reinforced blocks, In one server i made a target range for practice,bad part my team was wrecking the range faster than yo could repair it...

    -more tools for building/demolition,it be nice to have certain tools that would replace the spade/pickaxe for building/demolition

    -vehicles?... i think this one is self explanatory but bottom line big map + walking = BOREDOM

    -pistols,assault rifles, machine guns(deploy-able would be nice, Deploy-able meaning
    you can fix the gun on a point and let others use it while you run for the Intel)
    -If i reapeted any suggestions from other threads take this one as"i recommend the idea"
    -more to come

    Posted 13 years ago

    1. Well, that's what the CP is for.. pyspades tops up your ammo upon getting a good kill-streak (along with getting an airstrike)
    2. Team Deathmatch (e.g. 4 team deathmatch) I'd be happy to see, though bcoolface has said that he has Territory Control in development
    3. Re-inforced blocks.. if there were no way of either doing it by mass or having people abuse the use of them, sure. But alot of people could just abuse harder blocks.
    4. Spade/Pick is enough for me for demo. Building is an interesting one though - pyspades implemented 'dirt nades' which created blocks around where a grenade detonates.. something like that I wouldn't be against.
    5. vehicles don't really work with voxels in my opinion. The map isn't that big..
    6. Pistols aren't a bad idea - people seemed to like the thought. Deployable machine guns could, again, be used to be annoying rather than being used by those who could use it for good.

    Posted 13 years ago
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