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  • New weapons and gameplay improvements

    Hello, this game is awesome but I have some suggestions to make it better :
    Gameplay :

    -players immortals for 15 seconds after respawn

    -enemies on the radar if they are too close from your tent

    -pick up some ammo on dead enemies
    Weapons :


    -pistol : a sidearm with 8 bullets inside. Semi-automatic but low power and low effective range

    -revolver : same as the pistol but more powerful, 6 bullets inside and lower range


    -(rifle, SMG and shotgun)

    -sniper : a bolt-action rifle (1.5s between 2 shots) with a zoom scope and an high power. The low rate of fire makes it worthless at close range
    5 bullets inside, spawn with 25 bullets

    -automatic rifle : a weapon between SMG and rifle for power, rate of fire, accuracy and range. Automatic but slower than the SMG, use it as support weapon as the weapon is quickly empty so it's weak at close range
    15 bullets inside, spawn with 75 bullets

    -grenade rifle : a special rifle modified to shoot small grenades at a moderate range. Grenades are affected by gravity like normal grenades and are less powerful but go at a longer distance. Need to reload after a shot
    1 grenade inside, spawn with 10 grenades

    -machinegun : an heavy automatic, mid-ranged (between the rifle and the SMG) which needs being placed to use. Powerful defensive weapon but vulnerable to snipers. Can not shoot if the machinegun is not placed (if you wanted to charge like Rambo with a machinegun, sorry, I thought about balancing the weapon's power)
    75 bullets inside, spawn with 150 bullets



    -mine : just place it. If anyone walks on it (ally or enemy)... BOOM

    -dynamite : place it and choose when it exploses

    Posted 13 years ago

    im sorry to say but those ideas are not gonna happen
    at least not most of them

    Posted 13 years ago

    Most of these seem realistic. Spawn invincibility would have to be much shorter of a time tho. I really like the stationary machine gun, but secondary pistols would make this game much more of a typical online shooter game.

    Block Architect
    Posted 13 years ago

    Not false for pistol. Maybe only a silenced pistol which makes no noise to make a stealthy class, used as primary weapon

    Posted 13 years ago

    So, you're saying a class that only has a pistol?

    Block Architect
    Posted 13 years ago

    yes, a stealthy assassin class who has to sneak into enemies lines to kill them without being seen.

    Posted 13 years ago

    15 seconds spawn invincibility?
    No fucking way, Tanner. Reduce it to 5.
    Dynamite is already being tested.
    Weapon classes: nope, check the classes mode.
    Why does the revolver have lower range? Everyone who played HL2 knows its great for med-long range!
    I agree with the Scavenger idea.
    Also making people going for the intel visible makes it even harder.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ah yes, I forgot that it is a CTF and not a simple DM

    Pistols and revolvers have a far lower effective range than rifles and are closer to SMGs. Of course you can make accurate shots at a long range but in combat it worth nothing. I did not play HL2 but what is medium-long range for you ? For me it's the effective range of a carbine, not a pistol

    Posted 13 years ago

    squads next to intel
    15 second spawn invincibility
    *grabs intel*
    squad cames intel
    grabs intel

    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago
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