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  • Hax

    So far, there is still alot of hacking going on, and its starting to become quite annoying.
    today i encountered some weird hacker that went and aimed for our teams most worked on forts (which we worked on for around and hour each) and it started deleting blocks at rapidfire rate, and one of the buildings i worked on all myslef. We thought it was some ragist on the other team because the teams were sort of stacked for us because we tried to just have one area of the map where if you held a white block, you had peace and we managed to kick the person we were 90% sure was hacking. even then, we lost around 3 hours work total of structures.

    i dont actually have much to say about anything else, i just needed an outlet for this. I just thought that i might want to report it here so he knows about the kinds of hacks there are. D:.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Actually, yes. Similar thing happened yesterday afternoon. Another user named Mackerel and myself witnessed bocks being 'eaten away' rapidly, and with no identifiable source. There will always be hacks for this game.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Same here. Everything needs to be server side to stop most hacks.

    Posted 13 years ago

    What if you die?

    Posted 13 years ago
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