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  • Rebind! also some other things.

    I think that AoS would really benefit from having rebindable keys if only for the sake of convenience. also a few new keys being added might be nice too like

    E - last item
    M - in game options menu

    in game options is another thing put up for the sole sake of convenience. we have at this point a handful of options and you have to mess with a txt file to change them. adding an in game menu would make it more accessible.

    key bindings (the option to reset your keys to a more comfortable layout)
    view range (you know your view range)
    volume (sound settings well setting we only really have SFX)
    fog colour (sets your default fog colour)
    FoV (allows you to set your field of view)
    re spawn (a integrated respawn option clicking will obviously kill you. Maybe make this a click twice to confirm. )

    Posted 13 years ago

    last item =? It's going faster if I use the mousewheel...
    View range is always the same so... NO
    Fog colour is an admin option
    FoV... I don't get it what that should be
    Re-Spawn is kinda useless... just change your weapon = same

    The other things are ok.

    PS: Most of this things were suggested before =P

    Posted 13 years ago

    think of it as a compilation. and if you look at some of your TXT options here there is actually a
    set of options witch i assume are your default fog options other options are made by server admins override this.

    as for FoV or field of view well its kinda complex its basically how much view field is displayed on your screen a real-world example of FoV would be to move your finger in near the edge of your vision when you can't see it in your peripheral vision it leaves your Field of view this is a typical in-game feature that most often not given as an editable option the FoV for most console games is actually smaller then the FoV for a computer game the typical and best FoV settings for a PC game is 90 degrees anything smaller can some times cause motion sickness. this can be alleviated by increasing your FoV options turning up FoV is generally not considered an advantage because as a result every time your FoV is increased everything on a standard screen must "shrink" to accommodate more data from your peripherally vision also you have to see MORE with say a view field of 360 degrees is only conceivably a disadvantage as it drastically strains the users ability to preform standard tasks

    re spawn is an option used in TF2 despite you being able to change classes to get a similar result due to re spawn timers being varied and as far as i have been able to see respawn timers do infant vary hugely and similarly TF2 has only 3 weapons to an average roll largest being 4 and the scroll wheel is a valid changing option however the last weapon is still a vary HUGELY used key because its faster and more accurate you can mouse wheel past the item you want if your panicking or in a hurry and fumble your hot keys in the same events the last item key is a safe and quick way of pulling out your last tool and often the one you really need. and ahh we have 5 items to there avrage 3 its more advantageious for obious reasons, besides is there a good reason NOT to put it in?

    as for view range i kinda botched that one up and instead meant resolution options. whoops /shrug.

    Posted 13 years ago
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