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  • 3 things from minecraft
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    Yeah I know AoS is not minecraft with guns.

    You have to admit though certain things in minecraft would work very well in AoS.

    With that in mind, if you could instantly bring any 3 items into AoS from minecraft, what would you pick?

    For me the first would be ladders, for obvious reasons. Second would be cacti/lava/any block that hurts the player on contact, to make some proper traps for enemy infiltrators to fall into.

    3rd would be natural caverns. The best part of exploring in MC was finding a cavern and having your digging plans change drastically. Imagine if tunnelers in AoS were digging a tunnel and stumbled suddenly on a cavern... with enemies exploring inside it?

    Oh yeah, and who else thinks a 20 minute day/night cycle would be the bomb?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Actually these things would be pretty neat.
    But at night willl our viewing distance decrase more and monsters will spawn?
    Caverns are cool though. and ladders.

    Posted 13 years ago

    First i'd pick TNT, to show those green fascists how explosive blue can be.

    Secondly, I'd choose sticks, because that way the greens wont hurt themselves too much.

    Third, I'd bring stairs. Nuff said.


    Posted 13 years ago

    That's actually a really cool idea... I think that boats would be cool too. And I realize that aos isn't minecraft, but if something similar to redstone was brought in, people could totally spend hours designing traps.... it'd be awesome!

    Posted 13 years ago

    1) Half blocks.
    2) Some sort of threat to digging tunnels. Cave-ins?
    3) Place-able TNT. Uses: blowing shit up, massive digging operations and blowing those <insert enemy color> tunnels to smithereens.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Haha stairs/half blocks. So simple I can't believe nobody thought of that before.

    Yeah collapsible blocks like gravel and sand were would add an extra hazard to tunneling. You know how torches hold sand up in minecraft? Imagine if shooting a section of sand could dislodge a whole cluster of it or something.

    Posted 13 years ago

    No caves, because, you know, they wouldn't be too big and don't fit in battlefield (I know, caves are very important in war, but only as camps. They're completely off in actual battle)

    Dangerous block could be barbed wire. Everyone here loves them.

    Day and night cycles would be great and add more tactics to game.

    Ladders are, of course, must have.

    TNT would be handy. We need something... More useful to destroy buildings than grenades. Though as Ben said, this is no WWI (sadly) so C4 could work too :/

    Stairs/half steps - no. What we really need is better climbing, like in Minecraft. It's not that hard to climbs hills there.

    Redstone - NO.

    Threat in tunnels... Maybe better physics? Or rain ("...is fucking up my tunnel system")?

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago

    I would like to be able to set the time of day, that'd be pretty awesome.

    As for three items I'd bring over from Minecraft?

    -TNT, to allow smoother saboteur operations.
    -Ladders, to allow better bases and cavern takeovers.
    -And the compass, to figure out my orientation without having to check the map.

    As for what I'd bring over for my own desire?

    -Swords. It's time to go medieval on people's asses. :3

    Posted 13 years ago


    They would obviously be Green, and destroy everything the blues would ever build.


    Because why not.


    Because it is annoying to make stairs that take up so much space.

    Posted 13 years ago

    *tactical troll succesful*

    Numbuh 27.5
    Posted 13 years ago


    Oh yeah
    and signs

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    Day/Night Cycle (I need that.)
    Signs (So I can put up something saying "Greens, Ye be Warned")

    Posted 13 years ago

    so VERY VERY true!

    Barbed wire

    Definitely no tnt.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ Barbed wire would kick a**, but only if it does 1-5 damage

    Ladders are a must, and if we get dispensers, we'll also need sentries.
    Y'know, so there's something for the spies to sap.

    Posted 13 years ago

    And also torches

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    a day and night cycle would be cool, and maybe have some headlamp type thing, or a flash light you can turn on and off. barbed wire is a great idea for a block, maybe have some type of wire cutter you can use to get it away, so maybe only a certain kit/class can cut it down, I dont know. I just like that idea, it sounds pretty fun

    torches specifically are a definite no, that's one thing i really hate about minecraft, the only light blocks are light stone and torches, which are both kind of strange. maybe a lamp would be a good idea for AoS, or something similar to that. for the TNT/C4, that is a good idea, basically any remote detonated explosive would be pretty useful. I think this has to be the best topic idea I've read, so far

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ladders it the only thing i like, the rest serve no point, (from my perspective). However i'd rather have a grappling hook

    Posted 13 years ago

    ladders sound good and i like the idea of night/day cycles as well

    Posted 13 years ago

    trees- to hide in
    Texture- not a lot but some
    day and night

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yes i want trees, RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
    jesus it'd be like i was playing arma 2.

    Posted 13 years ago

    "No caves, because, you know, they wouldn't be too big and don't fit in battlefield (I know, caves are very important in war, but only as camps."

    Is that what you meant by tactical trolling? It's like you're saying caves only exist in parts of the world that aren't being fought over, which makes no sense.

    Haha jesus- SIGNS... another blatantly obvious one. It'd cut down on the useless pixel art if people could just put a sign up quickly. Very useful for tunnel navigation too.

    Now I think about it, bringing in the barbed wire block would render any other hazard block unnecessary. I really like the headlamp idea- mostly because it'd be great sneaking towards the enemy camp at night with searchlights sweeping the area. Very cinematic...

    Posted 13 years ago

    Day-night sounds quite nice idea, but it's cycle shouldn't be only 20 mins. More likely 4 hours.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Wow.. day-night wouldn't be that bad really, but eh, a sign? Doesn't really fit in this blocky world does it. No from me, day-night would be c00lio. Unless you were planning on monster spawning at night.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Night aint that bad.
    Blue and Green Creepers.
    Rain, and Thunder (oh no where id ROOF)
    Glass. Ladders. TNT. Swords. Knives. Compass.
    Earthquakes ftw.
    Mp5k. Self heal over time.


    Quake killstreak sounds.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Tunaspirit you are kidding me? If creepers come to this game, i'll just instantly quit.

    Posted 13 years ago

    okay the creepers were a joke.
    Though reskinning our grenades into creepers would be fun.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I thought your whole post had been an intentional joke.

    Monsteri- A day cycle taking 4 hours would be good for a singleplayer game, but not multiplayer. Think about it: the tactics and pacing would change remarkably under cover of night. Better to have that closer to minecraft's cycle time.

    Plus in your war tales you'd get to say you were tracking that enemy digger for 'days.' Sure better than a server crashing before anyone even got to SEE night.

    As for night closing the fog in- I dunno. Kind of on the fence about it. I think it'd still work well whether that happened or not.

    Posted 13 years ago

    10 min day/night cycles ^_^

    Teh One Bunneh
    Posted 13 years ago

    ya night should make player colors darker so its harder to tell whos on your team unless your closer.

    and i would like teamkill to be on but that will just help griefers

    Posted 13 years ago

    day/night would be the best thing since sliced bread.

    Posted 13 years ago
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