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  • How about a server tool that kicks bad players?
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    All i know is that this is never getting implemented, nice try though, not really.

    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago

    that was kinda snarky..

    Posted 13 years ago

    ITT children get mad.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ I did not get what you mean by that sorry

    any yeah its not likely to be added but you shouldn't just be like


    Posted 13 years ago

    As soon as you said " well then go play Minecraft", you lost my support.

    Posted 13 years ago

    no bad idea because there will be like 5 servers with out this

    Posted 13 years ago

    no bad idea because there will be like 5 servers with out this

    Posted 13 years ago

    no bad idea because there will be like 5 servers with out this

    Posted 13 years ago

    Then I'm not sure I would have anyone to play against.


    A lone beacon of skill in this game,

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ personal skill matters little is about supporting the whole.

    I am sure that servers that apply this will be least enjoyed and probably the first to die.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I fully support this idea.

    @asdfzxc - How bloody long does it take to walk to the enemy Intel??? 10 minutes? Bullsh**

    @ReubenMcHawk - If you suck long-term or just for a night that is your problem! I don't want to loose because of you! Go and play on a lower-tiered server.

    @ReubenMcHawk - If your better at building forts than killing ... MINECRAFT!!!

    @Genius97 - I find it highly unlikely that there will be a player that griefs enemy structures without being provoked to defend and kill

    @slenderman - It would not make it all only about killing. It would be a security against noobs. You will always have the choice of: Build a bit or Kill for a bit.

    @virtualkiller - Well too bad. Learn how to play AoS or grief and muck around in the lower servers

    Why would you build a huge fortress guarding your command post when the action is no way near there? Because your a useless waste of space. The team could use with another soldier... oh wait... There's a noob Deuce in his place.

    Yes I understand that you might have just built a powerful structure on the front lines that the team is using but what are the odds that you won't get shot at and need to defend yourself?

    It would also improve the implementation if the player in question is prompted minutes before kick.

    Posted 13 years ago

    How about a forum tool that kicks self-entitled douches like this guy?

    Again, tiered servers based on skill are elitist as fuck, and just plain stupid. And yeah, hurr durr play Minecraft to build. Everyone has their own skills, and I'd prefer to build a decent fort for my teammates to shoot from, rather than exhausting my fairly-poor shooting skills to appease some stupid quota.

    Posted 13 years ago

    In response to the title and original post in general: How about no?

    Posted 13 years ago

    bad bad bad idea, what happens if there aren't many people in the server anyway? you'll be constantly charging to make sure your still on the server. and what do you mean by "bad" players? so your telling me that your going to kick players who can't snipe for sh** coz their new over players who can play but GRIEF like hell? you need a new idea mate :D

    The PineApples
    Posted 13 years ago

    HAY HERES AN IDEA why not go paly call of duty liek all you other kids ought to do. this poast has started to piss me off to the point where i want to kill KITTENS!

    ITS not about the killing alone its not call of duty.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hey guys, another bright idea to add to this one:
    While we're at it, lets kick players who get too many points so that we can have boring average players in the server?

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    I totally agree with Reuben, this would be elitist and discouraging to new players.

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    If you go around telling people to play Minecraft if they want to build, you might as well tell people to go around play Call of Duty if they want to kill people. Building is one of the main aspects of the game and is one of the charms of AoS.

    I'm pretty sure Ben didn't want this game to be Minecraft with guns, but I'm also sure he didn't want people protesting the action of using your 50 blocks to build forts and towers.

    Many people want this game to have no building involved at all to prevent griefing trouble, but I say that would make this game far worse. The game would probably turn into a half-ass voxel version of Play Station and XBox shooters.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Cpt.Crow - "How about a forum bot that deletes bad threads *points to this thread*"

    It would probably delete over 80% of the threads on this forum. And I'm talking serious.

    Posted 13 years ago
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