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  • I have some suggestions

    1 the rifle/sniper rifle- the rifle in my opinion is perfect in most ways except it being a instant kill to the head. I'm not saying the you lower the accuracy or make the heads smaller both of those ideas are stupid, all I'm saying is make it do 2 shots to the head and nothing else. I don't know about you but i think getting instantly headshoted when you walk around a corner is fuck retarded. Next the sniper rifle; basically all there needs to be is like this- 100 to head, 80 to chest, 50 to limbs, 5 shots with 40 ammo, and a delay between each shot like the shot gun.

    2 I think that there should be some sort of tone or something when you shot a person.Something similar to your death sound.

    3 Fix the hit detection so it works or just get rid of it. it annoys the shit out of me and it barely works and when it dose work i look in the wrong direction and get sniped.

    4 I really do thing there should be some sort of sensitivity option. Cause that's bullshit that we don't have one yet. i find it particularly hard to aim because of my sensitivity being so high, but playing the game for as long as i have I've almost got use to it. Still makes me want to stab a little child in the face.

    5 Also there should be that if some one gets team-kill more than say 5 times then the grifers should get auto kicked.

    Posted 13 years ago

    1. idk
    2. idk, can't you just look the chat?
    3. It doesn't work?
    4. Yeah, need this.
    5. So you kill the griefers and you get kicked? Not nice!

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't think i have ever been tk'ed EVER maybe its just the servers I play on.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I don't think i have ever been tk'ed EVER maybe its just the servers I play on.
    Teamkilling only work when the person getting killed is breaking blocks. Also not all servers enable it.
    When I teamkill it's usually a griefer, fail in tunneling with pickaxe or just some squad mixup.

    Posted 13 years ago

    like picking to be on the blue team but being put on the green team?

    Posted 13 years ago
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