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  • NEW CLASS sugestion MMG

    the MMG or meduim machine gun

    the concept is a stationary machine gun that can pump out alot of punishment with little recoil but MUST be deployed b4 it can be used and deploying it takes 5 seconds the grandes are replaced with a side arm.

    what do ya think?

    Posted 13 years ago

    search function next time please.

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    I know I know its not as close to its real world counterpart as i usually make things but i recently had this thought: all the default fire arms in there default state are similar but not identical to real world counterparts for example the SMG is vary similar to the H&K MP-5 but the iron sights are different and it function more as an assault rifle then a smg cambering 9x19mm witch made me think that a firearm is vary much to a identifiable manner to the audience

    people hear the words heavy machine gun they think of .50 cals and mini guns and other weapons you often see mounted on vehicle in other words the biggest and baddest,

    where as they think of things like the RPK and the stoner squad automatic weapons when they hear light machine gun

    so a typical player will be easily able to identify a medium machine gun as a machine gun too heavy for the user to operate on the move, but still light enough to be picked up and carried by a solider.

    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah, this is a cool idea. i think that benjamin spoke about something like this, so i think it'll be added. there is a log of a thing where he asked people's questions, and there are some common ideas in there. when i find it, i'll edit the log in

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hold up. Fix the issue of the SMG/Shotgun being "underpowered" and the Rifle being "overpowered" first before adding in new weapons. :/

    Imperial Guardsman
    Posted 13 years ago

    Just make LMGs work like they do in Day of Defeat.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^never played that game how do they work in that?

    @ imperial guardsman both can be done at the same time and even in one patch if Ben ever feels motivated to do so.

    don't worry about the smg/shotgun fixes for it have been suggested multiple times he knows what he has to do to fix them.. in theory any ways i specifically have posted my suggestions for balancing those exact two weapons and well before posting this. you can review them if you so desire. they are under the forum title

    GUN BUFF under suggestions. I suggest you check them and give feed back.

    Posted 13 years ago
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