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  • Creating a Sever Problems Help plz.

    I was trying to create a server and had some serious problems. Things that i did:
    1. Port Forwarding my netgear router.
    2. Allowing Through my Nortan Internet Security firewall/ turned off Nortan.
    3. Allowed Router to respond to pings

    Things i was wondering about:
    1. Does this work on 64-bit windows
    2. Would Virtual Machine Linux work?
    3. Does this run on Linux 64/32 ubuntu (server/client)

    Posted 13 years ago

    I had quite a few problems as well the first few times I tried to host.
    And I tried all the same things that you tried.

    I have a Belkin router but see if you can find something similar to these two settings on yours:
    Of course, the port forwarding: http://i.imgur.com/qslmy.png
    And then there's this: http://i.imgur.com/dKCEy.png

    Some routers have multiple settings which they generically call 'firewall' make sure the only firewall you're running is NAT.

    I did not have to enable DMZ host in order to get my server running. Everything worked peachy as soon as I turned off the extra 'firewall'.

    Sidenote: Make sure windows firewall also has an exception for AoS

    Forgot to add that I'm running a server on Win7 Prof. 64-bit.
    I haven't tried the server on linux yet. Some time next week I'm going to try running it through Wine on CentOS.

    Posted 13 years ago
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