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  • Vehicles?

    Should add tanks, that someone can spawn after, say, 50 kills? (non streak)

    Or even moving medi-vans?

    Medic vans could re-supply health but nothing else, and would have to be driven and protected.

    And maybe NPCs?

    NPCs could fight for you if you gave them ammo.

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    Npc's would do what?!

    I sorta like this idea. I was thinking more on the lines of getting the choice to pick a different gun with that kill streak but something along these lines might work too.....

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    NPC villagers! They'd have stores and you could buy shit from them!

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    Allowing a player to spawn a tank after a specified number of kills instantly makes me think of Call of Duty multiplayer. It's a self-cataclysmic process:

    1. player attains # kills
    2. player activates respective kill reward
    3. player uses those kill rewards to kill better, faster, and easier; player gets more total kills
    4. repeat steps 1-3

    Anyone see what I'm saying here? The number of kills will just increase at an exponential rate up until the player hits the last benchmark for a kill reward. This is pretty imbalanced because a player that doesn't have some/any kill rewards will be rendered almost totally useless against a player that has the majority/all of them. If we just started both teams out with 1 tank each, THEN the gameplay would remain in sync.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Galaxion Well maybe it could be somthing else for spawning tanks. Maybe it could be, like how many wins the team has instead? Or two intel captures (like one player) could that work? It is just a suggestion.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @ Cpt. Crow Wut?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I would like vehicles. Would make the game interesting.

    Kommissar of Komrades
    Posted 13 years ago
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