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Might as well label this as a work in progress (that will never be done(just like episode 3). I have never made one of these threads before(on any site(ever!) I will try and type as clearly as possible in semi-complete sentences composed of horrible grammar and profanity (and the occasional but blatant copy and pasting from the wiki/ unofficial forums). For crap that i (might) not going over have a link to the wiki and browse around there for a bit!. So, I'm gonna have to go through old post and fine some stuff copy and pasted there. I CAN'T CONNECT TO THE SERVER ANYMOAR. So i assume if you can't connect to a server its still the same as before, if you had cheat engine installed you're in some deep DEUCE. WHY THE DEUCE AM I GETTING HURT WHEN NOBODY'S SHOOTING AT ME? The only answer I have came across for this is lag. the harder it spikes, the more damage you take. Occasionally you will sit there frozen for about 10 - some huge as number of seconds(or minutes, however the longest i think it happen was about 1 minute, i also alt-tabbed to change the music playing.( It may have been facebook though.)It will kill you, you will also lag through the floors of buildings or while you are walking over a valley and suddenly, YOU FALL INTO A GOD DAMN TUNNEL THAT SOME DEUCE MADE. WERE ARE ALL THOSE EXPLOSIONS COMING FROM?(WHY IS THAT GUY FLYING? ( HOLY CRAP BLOCKS ARE DISAPPEARING RANDOMLY AND I HEAR A DIGGING NOISE PLAYING REALLY FAST BUT I SEE NOBODY!) Congratulations, you just ran into a hacker! If you can see them or are killed by them you MUST press TAB ,find that persons name on the list and their id should be on the left, after that tell everyone to type /votekick [that id]. For the solution to the other hacker the best thing you can do is tell everyone to type something, The people who talk are clean, (most of the time) the guy/guys/girl/girls/otherkin that didn't say anything is most likely the hacker/s as i found that just earlier today(yesterday actually) I i was checking to see who talked often and took a lucky guess. This tactic works with griefers as well, as i've used it a few times to fish out the DEUCEtards switching from the opposing team just to come and take out our bunkers. However you may occasionally get the totally full of himself DEUCEface, that starts to brag about what he just destroyed was so fun (or that hes hacking and is pro l33t 420 smoke weed 4lyfe sepheroth for being a hacker) However those guys are usually the easy to find. HOW DO I VOTE KICK? Okay, look asshole, i told you before press the TAB button, the Deuce you want to kick will have an ID, all ID's are on the left of every fricken name. WHY HAVEN'T THEY BEEN KICKED YET? You should yell out in chat that you want "x to be kicked because he/she y'd our z/ is hacking." I DID THAT YOU STUPID SACK OF CRAP BUT THEY HAVEN'T LEFT YET! Some times other players completely ignore the chat and wont pay attention. Other times they will just ignore you because you are the opposing team and they assume you suck at the game, or they could just be total DEUCEholes. HOW DO I CHANGE MY NAME, I TRIED THAT BUT IT DIDN'T WORLD, ETC Copy and pasted from the wiki, this should hurt you eyes less than the crap I wrote up there. Step 2: Click the link at the top to download the current beta version. (0.36) Step 3: After downloading the installer, run it from the folder. Step 4: Once installed, open the Program Files folder (usually on the C: drive.) Step 5: Open the Ace of Spades folder. (Usually C:\Program Files\Ace of Spades) or C:\Program Files (x86)\Ace of Spades) Step 5: Open the config.ini file (Should have gear symbol). Copy all the contents, then close it. Step 6: On your Desktop create a new text file in Notepad. Copy and paste the contents of the clipboard in it. In the text file locate the line "Name Deuce". Replace the name "Deuce" with the username of your liking (this will serve as your in-game id). Step 7: Go to 'File', and press 'Save As'. Where it says 'File Type: Text Document', change it to 'All Files' with the dropdown. Rename the file 'config.ini'. Step 8: The file should have saved a new config file with a gear on it. Replace the old config file with the new config.ini from your desktop. Alternatively for steps 6-8: Move config.ini from your installation folder to the desktop, save it, open it, change your name in it, save it, and move it back to the installation directory. http://aceofspadeswiki.com/index.php?title=Ace_of_Spades_Newbie_Guide BACK TO CRUISE CONTROL HOW DO I GET OUT OF THE WATER? press space, while moving forward, at the peak of the jump press ctrl and you will crouch jump out of the water.(This also works on walls that are 2 blocks high.) HOW DO I MAKE A CUSTOM WEAPON SKIN? http://advsys.net/ken/slab6.zip (yes this is the actual link to the download so you don't have to scroll down the page and not notice it.) CAN OTHERS SEE MY WEAPON SKIN? No, only you can see it HOW DO I ADD COLORS AND STUFF? http://i56.tinypic.com/ms0tbm.jpg THAT'S A COOL SKIN CAN I HAVE IT? No, not right now at least. I FINISHED MY WEAPON BUT IT SEEMS TO BE OFF A BIT HOW TO I ADJUST IT TO FIT IN MY GUYS HANDS? Under the tools menu choose the option, "Adjust Pivots", you should alt-tab out of there and open the original weapon model, check were the the pivot is located and adjust your current weapon to a similar location, or the same if the dimensions are exactly the same. When Adjusting the pivots you need to put your little cross hair over those flashing boxes on the bottom left of the screen, you need to keep your cursor there and use your arrow keys to change the location. IS THERE ANYTHING I CANT REMODEL? As far as i know the head, torso, legs, and arms cannot have any edited dimensions, so you can only recolor them. You can however edit the semi, the spade, the intel, the pickax, the player dead model, and the tracer.(I find it odd how we can edit the tracers dimensions to a 3x3 or larger and we cannot edit the head dimensions.(I only edited the tracer to a 3x3 once, it looked like i was shooting a rocket, and i just switched it back) It's best to keep the tracer the way it is or maybe a bit shorter. As far as I know you can make the biggest DEUCEing gun in the world. However it will look like Deuce because it will usually glitch your camera a bit when reloading. WHEN I RELOAD AND MOVE THE SCREEN WILL FLICKER noire (BLACK) FOR A SECOND AND THEN RETURN, IT ALSO HAPPENED WHEN I MOVE SOMETIMES! You need to adjust the pivots a bit you most likely set the pivot a little too far ahead. (It will almost always look like your guy is using 2 hands to hold to grip, and sadly there is no way to edit the stance of the arms for a more realistic rifle stance. CAN YOU EDIT ANYTHING ELSE? Nope, you can't edit the iron sights without the game flipping out and accusing you of hacking, and i've only tried to replace the wav file(with another wav file) a few times, and instead of noise you get silence. HOW TO YOU EDIT EACH TEAMS CLOTHING? Both teams use the same clothing skin, the only reason they appear blue/green is because having a model with 0 0 0, will result in it changing the clothing color to the team color when you join a game, (you DEUCEgots know what i'm talking about when i say 0 0 0 i hope) You best bet is to just :sunglassesdog:. Alright i think I'm done talking about the useless DEUCE, back to actual help. HOW DO YOU THROW YOUR GRENADES FURTHER? Same thing you do when you get out of water, only instead of crouching you throw your grenade. To get the furthest throw possible you need to throw it at a perfect 45 degree angle, its easier than it sounds. SERVER HOSTING! I'm going to be honest here, my internet connection is nowhere good enough to run a server so I'm not going to take the time to type out or even copy and paste and entire article for it, instead! I'm starting to lose things to post, just remind me if you want I'm just going to post some quick tips that I use but probably have no real use for anyone else. WHY IS JUMPING SUCH A BITCH? Time your jumps and you can clear them all the way up the mountain, you'll be stylin on the other people, and if you're feeling really chillax you can do a 360 and walk away! Yeah i'm getting kinda of tired, i'll update this later maybe. |
#6321 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
Also, inb4 wall of text, tl;dr, etc |
#6322 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
Very good! I hope when the forum is fixed up this could be a sticky :) |
#6327 Jackster Member Posted 13 years ago |
I just want the html to make it look less, clustered.... |
#6329 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
Also, the thing about the girl in the hyperlink is that it was posted on animu and mango, "Why is Nero such a bitch?" so it sorta became an inside joke for those who don't get the reference. THE MORE YOU KNOW! |
#6333 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
I shall bump the thread periodically |
#6334 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
lol |
#6335 Deuce_Bag Member Posted 13 years ago |
Can you post more Anime trivia for me? |
#6337 Lokiamis Member Posted 13 years ago |
This is definite sticky material. |
#6340 CaptainMan Member Posted 13 years ago |
Sure i can try just hold on a little, bit. |
#6341 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
Well loli, the only triva i can think of at the moment is probably the best advice, and worst advice ever at the same time and that is, don't watch an anime called boku. |
#6343 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
Use < strong > bold text < /strong > to - guess what? - write bold text. But I actually think you can't edit it anymore right? |
#6359 Green_Beret Member Posted 13 years ago |
It lets me edit as much as i want for some reason. |
#6360 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
Aww not any more i can't. |
#6363 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
jesus christ its like my brain is inside out and im to stupid to correct all my mistakes, oh well. I assume people get the message, and i'll just ad need post as comments to this thread! I just realized i was editing the post and had it open in another tab. <strike>might as well test this |
#6365 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
This is a great guide, if only it could be stickied. You could also post it at the other (less populated), unofficial forum: http://ace-spades-community.com/index.php , where it could be stickied. |
#6369 OVERLORD Member Posted 13 years ago |
Well, i just want to be able to <s>edit them</s> delete the post so i can finish it up or something |
#6381 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
yeah strike through doesnt work <strike>i dont think</strike> |
#6382 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
It's not BBCode. Check this thread. |
#6383 Green_Beret Member Posted 13 years ago |
i'm going to let this thread die, i already backed up the original post so i can edit when we want to relese stickies or whatever |
#6393 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
HOLLLLLYYYYY SHIIIIIITTTTTT I finally got some new wavs to work. so that goes of the list |
#6411 Noire Member Posted 13 years ago |
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