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  • Ace of Spades Overhaul

    I have a few suggestions for AoS...

    1) SKINS. Its been discussed few times. There should be skin support, and to identify team members, people have to wear a colored hat (to go over the skin), an emblem on their chest, whatever. Some type of accessory that is noticeable.

    2) Killstreaks. No, not like Call of Duty. Players should get the chance to obtain streaks after 2-3 minutes of playing in the lobby (the army doesnt have planes always on standby in reality...) Airstrike should take only 5 kills, since it is ineffective. New Killstreaks should be introduced, such as a supply crate drop to replenish the HP and ammo of you and nearby allies. Stuff like that.

    3) Sidearms. Players should receive a sidearm, but only carry one grenade. It should be slightly weaker than the SMG because it is an emergency weapon.

    4) Invincibility. Within 3 seconds of respawning, players are invincible. Spawn killing gets repetitive and ridiculous.

    5) Aesthetic look. There are so far, three "classes" (classes as in weapon types). Players could get a different look when using different weapons.

    6) More game types and game ends. Things such as barebones team deathmatch and free for all should be added. And when a game ends, it should display some type of results page.

    Thats it, I wrote a lot. Consider these ideas...

    Posted 13 years ago

    1. Your skin should automatically have your team colour already, and hovering the cursor over them shows their name... I do admit skins for each team would be nice, or a 'your team has this skin' and 'the opposition team has this skin' idea, along the lines of what I presented here.

    2. Killstreaks are scriptable with pyspades, and the HP/ammo topping up should be possible, can't see why this can't be added - though when attaining an airstrike you currently get your HP and ammo topped up automatically..

    3. Sidearms I have still to make myself an opinion on. I think it'd just be annoying to, after carefully dodging their bullets, to then be luckily taken down by a secondary weapon.

    4. Spawn shielding is an alright idea, Soldat has it, but like Soldat I think spawnkilling will still be a problem - people will just wait and aim at their head until the shield is down.

    5. I don't see why you should look differently with each gun.. you can already easily identify what your team-mate has.

    6. bcoolface has a territory control gamemode in the works, but I wouldn't mind a free-for-all mode.

    Several of these ideas have been put across before by different people, but a couple are nice ideas.

    Posted 13 years ago
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