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  • Art Gallery Map. As suggested by MegaDeuce

    Megadeuce, im talking to U!
    You said You could make one of my pieces of art into a map. What do I do? Did you mean make it in slab 6 like any mod/reskin? If so I can do that, though it would be quite small for a muliplayer map.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah I was for realz, if you make that building to scale in Slab6 I can import it into it's own map, so you could see what it'd look like IRL. Or I could work it into one of the maps I'm working on, as part of the scenery.

    (If you sketch it up in Slab6 rememberz: One AoS block=2ft x 2ft x 2ft.)

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago


    Just a quick tip I found out about doinf prefabs in voxed and exporting to slab 6.

    Press the numpad + after adding a big rectangle to the map to see what I am talking about.

    Here is a list of colors and patterns :

    KP+ and KP- Change procedural texture. There are 7 currently defined:
    0:cur Solid color from the color bar
    1:floor Set to first color below position (default)
    2:jit Take current color and randomize a little
    3:many A funny looking RGB color cube
    4:sph Use this one for shading spheres
    5:wood An interesting wood pattern
    6:png Enabled when you load a PNG file using 'V' key,
    otherwise it acts like the "0:cur" mode.

    If you have it set to solid, it will save you HOURS of tweaking later in slab6. I was porting things over with the default noise, and getting some pretty freaky results.

    the texture import is a pretty cool feature too!

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    Thanks for the tip! It seems pretty useful to be able to decide whether your solid colors are randomized or not (I just wish you could input the colors numerically instead of picking them out by hand everytime on the color palette.)

    Did you know you can "shotgun" a .png onto a surface in voxed by pressing 'p'?

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago
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