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  • [Release] Spadille 1.4.8
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    Most people seem to already know what this is, but here it goes. Spadille is a interactive server browser that gives users loads of features and utilities. It's been a while since I updated this. But it should be more regular now. Some features include favoriting/blacklisting servers, viewing server locations, local pings, searching, filtering and more. Along with the server browser, there are other features such as automatically saving screenshots (with included screenshot manager), config editor, mod manager, map manager, admin tools, URL/IP converter, and more.

    Download:      http://nateshoffner.com/projects/spadille/

    Wiki Article:   http://aceofspadeswiki.com/index.php?title=Spadille

    Virus Report:  Clean (View Report)

    Change Log

    - Added support for TIFF screenshot format
    - Added wait period in between blacklist synchronizations
    - Fixed admin dialog locking up during blacklist sync
    - Improved master server flood protection
    - Removed refresh speed options
    - Added option to automatically refresh server list
    - Added error handling to converter
    - Refreshing server list cancels ping operation if running simultaneously
    - Consolidated network requests
    - Added option to cancel ping operation
    - Removed deprecated code and dependencies
    - Switching tabs while pinging servers now halts process
    - Added ping signal strength icons
    - Changing name in config editor now updates stats section
    - Refreshing list during ping updating now stops ping update
    - Fixed bug with maps not properly loaded in VOXED in map manager
    - Fixed bug with blacklist filter not properly saving
    - Fixed bug with utilities not showing in taskbar when launched from start menu
    - Added menu options to remove existing favorited/blacklisted servers
    - Added option to config editor to disable hit indicator
    - Added option to set filter method to blacklist or whitelist (blacklist by default)
    - Saved maps now use MM-DD-YYYY instead of UNIX time
    - Added support for copying multiple screenshots
    - Added support for Ctrl+C to copy screenshots
    - Screenshots now load asynchronously
    - Redesigned screenshot manager with image preview
    - Added option to play sound when capturing screenshot
    - Added option to filter servers based on ping limit
    - Filters are no longer processed unless there is actual servers to be filtered
    - Fixed bug with update timestamp not showing on first refresh
    - Fixed bug when opening config editor and invalid clan prefix present
    - Fixed possible bug when fetching external IP

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    Wow lots of fixes, thanks man c:

    Posted 13 years ago

    butt load of fixes COOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yay, :D

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    Updated. Thanks StackOverflow.
    The only problem currently is the time it takes to load all the screenshots.. the new system seems to take longer.. everything else seems all fine and good.
    Filtering servers on a ping max. is a nice idea also. Good work.

    Posted 13 years ago

    it seems to not capture a screenshot here..

    Posted 13 years ago

    My god! when do you ever get time to sleep?

    Nice job! We really need something like this. Now i can check up on my favorite servers really quick.

    Would be cool if Ben made this part of the main AOS download.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    How long would it take to load more than 100 pictures?!

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    It takes longer than before, it does it 1-by-1 now.
    Perhaps add a 'view' option? Akin to the Microsoft Explorer - thumbnails/details.
    I have over 200 I think, this is rather slow to load now.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @TheGrandmaster, hmm the loading process shouldn't be much slower than before. Before they were all loaded in the background while the window was "frozen" until completed. Now it loads them one by one, but maybe painting the thumbnails each time can be a bit much. I'll be sure to add some viewing options.

    @learn_more, are you pressing PrtScr? Make sure you're in-game and the game is in focus.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    Is it worth getting this update?! Since .60 should be coming up soon would it be smarter to wait?! I don't want to dl something that will take a bit if I will have to do the same thing in the next 24 hours -_-

    I downloaded it anyways and haven't found a problem/bug. My pictures took about 45-130 secs to load so no problem there, at-least for me. I love the ping idea! Makes searching for severs so much easier!

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    @[Elite] Zeke, can't say for sure when .60 is coming out, but I'm already making preparations for some of the new upcoming features. :D

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    May I recommend some things?!

    1) Make "mod packs" a feature where you can switch through all your aos content

    2) Make a way to see who is in each server and who host it

    I think they would be pretty nice to have, once you have all the basic things done.

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    Stack I know a lot of people are wanting to know ( I have got i felling u dont know) but is there going to be an assualt rifle in .60? I bet its a no but still.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Or any guns?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Basically the smg will be buffed to an assault rifle's stats.

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ye i no but still, there have been a lot of posts lately.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @[Elite] Zeke, thanks for the ideas. I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by "aos content". And as for server players/host, it'd be pretty impossible to do that currently, unless servers were to set up some sort of datagram protocol were to be setup where information such as player lists/host/etc could be retrieved through a packet request/response.

    @[Elite]TheWelshBoyGamer, well this isn't exactly the place to discuss upcoming features of .60, but I do know a good bit of new features/fixes. However, I prefer not to spoil any surprises nor slip anything out that might not dropped/incomplete before the actual release.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    Awsome, a few things...
    1.I'm not sure if it's just me but the replaceing GUI on the sounds section of the mod maneger is gone.
    2.You can't swap the png. images besides the sights(more of a request for future relese).
    But besides that amazing work as usual.

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    @[HK]mman789, I'm not sure what you mean by either of those things to be honest.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    this is pretty cool, nice to see you're still working on it. an idea could be to make the ping bars different colors, depending on the level, but that is just for looks, so it doesn't really matter.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hmmm, let me paraphrase.
    1.The buttons to swap, delete, etc., the sound effects seems to be missing.
    2.As more of a request, could you and the ability to swap the other .png images since now you can only change the ironsights.

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    Any chance of a DD-MM-YYYY option for map saves?

    Posted 13 years ago

    @Priok, hmm good suggestion. Would make it a bit more diverse.

    @mman789, oh wow. I see what you mean now about the buttons. But I still don't get what you mean about swapping ironsights. You can already do that.

    @Cewrin, I suppose I could allow optional date formats.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    What a nice and polished application!

    Some serious work has gone into this.

    Only thing i can think of adding would be custom icons for our favorite servers list.

    A global repository of server icons would be really fun too. Perhaps have it so people running a server can submit a 16x16 .PNG, .GIF, or even .ICO. (please use a format with an alpha channel.)

    Of course an off-switch for custom icons. Perhaps a mode where it only loads the icons from the repository when you bookmark it as a favorite. That way people wont complain about long load times. well, if it takes a long time to load that is, you are a CODE NINJA!! :D

    We submit our icons to the repository with the server name as the icon name so there is no need for anything else than just submitting your icon. "AoS-Fortress-2 CHUTE.ico" or whatever :)

    Well, anyway, if not icons perhaps have a way we can color code our bookmarked servers. Custom fonts might be neat too.

    Thanks StackOverflow! :D.

    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    Im kinda confused about the favorite server listings. When you right click a server, add to favorites, it ends up in your favorites. Any other server hosted by that Ip address also becomes your favorites.

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    Very nice. loving the ping icons. Always look forward to new spadille releases.

    Posted 13 years ago

    YES! I love stack! And i finally got the pics to work!

    [Ex] Falcon [Isaac Clarke]
    Field Engineer
    Posted 13 years ago

    i'm liking the screen shot sound

    glad you added the filter behavior option, i'm more comfortable using allow filters. only thing is the "pings above" option should be changed to "pings below" when the whitelist behavior is used

    Posted 13 years ago
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