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  • Frostys' Weapon Ideas V2.

    I played in a server recently and had a brain wave, nuff said.

    • One hit kill close range/Does 100 damage to ANYWHERE on the body.
    • Does 50 damage to the head at mid-range.
    25 damage to the torso at mid-range.
    10 damage to the limbs at mid-range.
    • Does 25 damage to the head at long-range.
    Does 10 damage to the torso at long-range.
    Does 5 damage to the limbs at long-range.
    • Everything else stays the same :3.

    Assault Rifle (new weapon, not the semi):
    • Rate of fire is three bullets per round.
    • Each of these bullets do 35 damage to the head (so a kill if they all land)
    They do 25 damage to the torso.
    And 15 damage to the limbs.
    This damage applies at any range?
    • Has recoil like the SMG.
    • Rounds have a 30 millisecond gap between each bullet.
    • Ammo count: 20-100

    • Fires as fast as you can click.
    • Does 25 damage to the head, meaning 4 succesfull headshots in succsesion
    will land you a kill.
    Does 15 damage to the chest.
    Does 5 damage to the limbs.
    Note: this damage applies at any range.

    Grenade Launcher (Idk...):
    • Sacrifices uses of grenades for a heavy duty grenade launcher.
    • Lets you launch your grenade, giving superior range over normal throwing.
    • Does more damage to blocks.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago


    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    wou u have fast mind 2 sudntly thik of all of that

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, i scored quite well on my CAT tests.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    lol coo good i deas 2

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    nice ideas, I only think that the pistol shouldn't be that fast, so slow it down just a little bit, then also make it a little bit inaccurate, to make it balanced. the assault rifle idea is ok, but I do not like the damage, it might be a bit high or something, I'm not really sure about this, I've never really thought about it. but they're cool ideas, it is good to see more pistolero support

    Posted 13 years ago
    • One hit kill close range/Does 100 damage to ANYWHERE on the body.
    • Does 50 damage to the head at mid-range.
    25 damage to the torso at mid-range.
    10 damage to the limbs at mid-range.
    • Does 25 damage to the head at long-range.
    Does 10 damage to the torso at long-range.
    Does 5 damage to the limbs at long-range.
    • Everything else stays the same :3.

    So you want just to buff the shotgun or do you want it to have a slug?

    Assault Rifle (new weapon, not the semi):
    • Rate of fire is three bullets per round.
    • Each of these bullets do 35 damage to the head (so a kill if they all land)
    They do 25 damage to the torso.
    And 15 damage to the limbs.
    This damage applies at any range?
    • Has recoil like the SMG.
    • Bullets are slightly easy to dodge.
    • Ammo count: 20-100

    Is that rate of fire higher or lower than smg?
    Dodge bullets? How slow are they? This isn't matrix.
    Overall this doesn't seem to have much difference to the smg.

    • Fires as fast as you can click.
    • Does 25 damage to the head, meaning 4 succesfull headshots in succsesion
    will land you a kill.
    Does 15 damage to the chest.
    Does 5 damage to the limbs.

    As fast as you click seems a bit too fast.

    Grenade Launcher (Idk...):
    • Sacrifices uses of grenades for a heavy duty grenade launcher.
    • Lets you launch your grenade, giving superior range over normal throwing.
    • Does more damage to blocks.

    Seems neat.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I like it. Especially the assault rifle.

    Pew pew pew. *reload* pew pew pew

    Komrade Korakoff
    Dictator of Komrades
    Posted 13 years ago

    I like all except Grenade Launcher. I think it could make the guns unbalanced... Idk though overall nice idea :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^Check MLG clan thread. Btw there's a mod of a grenade launcher that looks amazing~

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    These ideas are not "fully" explained, sorry if they're OP.
    I'll edit them when I get home (I'm @ school at the moment).

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    "As fast as you can click"

    I can click once every .01 seconds (with the help of a program), is that fast enough? :P
    Maybe just being a faster firing rate would be enough. Pistol seems nice, but I imagine it being more of a sidearm. Besides we already have the Uzi for fast firing.
    Grenade launcher sounds interesting!

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^"With help of a program"
    CHEATER. lol jking.
    The pistol would be affected by the skill of the user, that how I imagined it.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    btw updating OP.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago
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