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  • Gas grenades

    Let's discuss about these wonderful grenades.
    What kind of gas grenades would you like?

    I put here two simple concepts.

    • Spreads damaging gas to a quite large area
    • Low damage
    • Lasts long
    • Mostly used to holding/scaring the enemy team off and inflicting small damage
    • Player gets 1-2

    • Smaller damage radius
    • Very high damage
    • if an enemy stands on top of it, he's already dead
    • Doesn't last long
    • Player gets 2

    When you join a game:
    1. choose team
    2. choose gun
    3. choose grenade/sidearm

    Here's a few things we could discuss:
    - Should we see the gas?
    - Can gas go through blocks?
    - Can you stop the gas by surrounding it with blocks?
    - Could we get "poisoned" from the gas causing to take damage over time?
    - Does tight spaces influence the distance the gas could go?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I'd like 1st gas grenade conception... it is more real
    and about discuss:
    1. yeah, we need to see the gas
    2. no, need make that gas can't go through blocks
    3. yeah, nice idea
    4. yeah, it is more real
    5. umm... idk)

    [C.H] JKT&Lust
    Posted 13 years ago

    - Should we see the gas? Yes
    - Can gas go through blocks? No
    - Can you stop the gas by surrounding it with blocks? Yes, but to place blocks to contain t wouldnt u be gassed?
    - Could we get "poisoned" from the gas causing to take damage over time? Yes
    - Does tight spaces influence the distance the gas could go? Nah

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think we should get mustard gas :D

    1. You don't see it.

    2. It burn you and causes 25HP a second as long as your in it.

    3. If you leave it you lose 10HP a second for another 4 seconds.

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    Mustard gas is illegal.
    And I prefur Molotovs anyway.

    Posted 13 years ago
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