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  • Some new features.

    Here are my suggestions :
    -Create Ammo Kits & Medic kits.
    reason: It's annoying that you must get to your camp,which manytimes it's too far away,but even if you get to your camp,it doesn't regain your ammo.
    -New types of game mode (NOTE: Those are connected & with a "style" Option )
    Classes : Knights,Archers,magicians,priest.
    New stuff: Swords,Bows/Crossbows,Staffs,Magic Skills,Mana,catapults,Rams,Horses...
    Terrain : Castles,Villages,Wizard towers...
    Point: Your Opponent castle has got your flag & you have theirs.To win,You must:
    A) Assault; Raise your flag.
    B) Destroy the enemy castle.

    Minuses : People cannot build. Catapults & Rams are the only things that can destroy buildings.
    WWII :
    Classes: Soldiers,Medic,Anti-tank troops,Builder,sniper,assasins.
    New stuff : Many of the general WWII weapons ( Panzer,Gewrer 43,Knife,Grenades,Mp40,Sten,Ruger & LOTS of more )
    VECHICLES! :D : Tanks,Airplanes,Little Jeeps.
    A)Take the Documents & return them to your base ( Like right now :P )
    B) Assault
    C) King Of the Hill.
    Terrain: Berlin,France,England...

    Classes Soldiers,Medics,Builders,Snipers,Spies & LOTS of more...
    Weapons : Many of the Modern weapons
    Vechicles : Many of the Modern Vechicles
    Terrain:Apocaliptic Modern city ( City Ruins )
    Objectives :
    A) Assault
    B) Hunted - the team must secure your VIP/hostage to safety,DO NOT LET THE OPPONENT KILL HIM!
    C) CTI - Capture the Intel
    D) King Of the Hill.

    But,those will be seperate 2 Addons. When Installed,you can choose between those. the WWII is the base,so you won't need to download & install it - just install the game.
    When installed,you will need to select which Style you want ( NOTE: For every style there are custom servers ( You can't play in a Medieval server with Modern;WWII stuff )
    Pistols & Knifes;
    MILESTONES ( Earn amount of achievements & you get something special you can use )
    Inventory; Backpack ( This makes you sure you selected the right equipment )

    Posted 13 years ago

    Medieval- just play that: http://kagdev.tumblr.com/ or mount&blade
    WW2/modern: Go play COD or something

    The Mighty Comrade
    Posted 13 years ago

    A lot of this wouldn't come very soon, as it would be hard to code.

    Posted 13 years ago

    A friend of mine is making a medkit script :3

    Posted 13 years ago


    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ :D

    Posted 13 years ago

    TheMightyComrade@ That's a good thing,but didn't you even noticed the gameplay? It's more WWII based.
    In Medieval it would be epic,cause it won't be 2d like KAG,besides - some will have fun to make new styles (or in other word - MODS )
    Modern will be cool for all those people who like Modern combat,but their computer isn't so strong to play games like COD4+ ( Like mine :( )

    [MLG]xX$h!neXx@ Oh,i didn't knew. If he's working on the medkit script,can you tell him work on a Ammo kit script?
    Milestones,Achievements,inventory,NEW!!! - Finding System ( Score a lot & you can find an weapon ): Ikr,the game is too new. But that's maybe a suggestion that maybe it should be done For sure after v1.00
    But pistol & knife can be done for v0.59-v0.60.
    about Objectives:
    It will be cool to add somekind of new game modes,or in the "style" case - Objectives,like Assault - Do some missions like Open the Gate, Destroy the Bridge & other till you finish them. the 1st team will attack,the 2nd - defend. After every win or lost,they change places - green becomes attacker & Blue - Defender.
    King of The hill :Some people want more challenging stuff,rather than CTI ( Capture the Intel (WE HAVE IT ALLREADY) ),like Capture a point & defend it - build something like a castle,or a bunker.
    Demolition ( Destroy the opposing team's base ) Then we will have some special players - the Rocketeers! They posses the big power of the Rocket Launcher. It's good to defend them,so they can BLOW up the Base.
    Hunted (VIP) - Some people are bored of the same old modes like KOTH,CTF(CTI),Assault,Demolition; Some people want to have more harder objective. This is the right one for the "hardcore" Players. It's like the CS 1.5 VIP rescue mission ( Remember ye' old good times? ) & the Cool TF 1.6 map - Hunted! :D
    In this mode,1 of the team is chosen to protect the VIP,while the other team tries to Hunt the VIP down. You must take the VIP to the Safe zone ( A heli-pad with a helicopter,or to the door of a car,ready to get out from the war zone ). Like in the Assault,the teams change their roles after every round. If the Hunters kill the VIP ( Hunted ),the Bodyguards ( Defenders of Hunted ) Will lose.

    Posted 13 years ago

    @The Mighty Comrade
    You just told a guy who wants a medevil mode to play COD, congradulations.

    On-topic, I diagree with all of that except the, health & ammo kits, new objectives, and the pistol and knife(or some meele weapon).

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok,the "styles" looks like they won't be good idea,but what about CLASSES?
    for the Demolition mode ( Objective ) it would require some mean,tought men,so her ecomes the class - Rocketeer. Vechicles would be cool,but there won't be a lot. Only a jeep ( With passenger & turret seats ),a tank ( With passenger & turret seats ),a boat ( With passenger & turret seats ),Airplane ( Only 1 passenger seat. )
    What about Achievements? They can be done for 0.70-0.80! Or the Milestones! They can be done on 1.00 - 1.10! Or even the backpack + Equipment menu! They'll be done for 2.00 ,which will choose between the sniper,SMG or shotgun.

    Posted 13 years ago

    dang u talk alot bro

    Posted 13 years ago

    ikr,but dunno why.

    Posted 13 years ago
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