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  • Spadille question?

    Is there any way to block people with a ping higher than X to join my server? It gets annoying when one person is ruining it for all peoples.

    Map Maker
    Posted 13 years ago

    Spadille doesn't really focus much on server admin controls.

    As for the concept, it's technically possible for something like that to be implemented server-side. I wouldn't suggest it though. Pings are constantly changing due to a wide variety of factors and could easily prove to cause more harm than good. Regardless, a user could join your server with a ping that meets your desired "standards" and then afterwards have a high peak in latency, it'd kind of defeat the purpose of your initial blockade. If a user's ping becomes unbearable, chances are they'll quit due to frustration on their own.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago
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