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  • Suggestion for Pyspades hosts.

    As all of you hosts probably know, it gets annoying when someone with 3000 ping comes in, lags your server, and gets everyone disconnected. I have to then type /ping and then all 32 people's names (I host a pretty popular server) I want it to be so that when we hold tab, next to everyone's names would be their ping. That would be helpful so that I don't have to go through all 32 people's pings. If this is already a feature, please, someone let me know.

    Map Maker
    Posted 13 years ago

    What you described (a number appear next to each name) cannot be achieved through pyspades. It would have to be a client change, which is a job for bcoolface rather than the pyspades team.
    I personally agree that extra information on the leaderboard would be nice, ping being one thing, possibly deaths and caps being another.

    If not already implemented - a ping limiter might be nice. Could set it at 500, and if someone exceeds it they are kicked.

    Posted 13 years ago

    TGM, that can be done in pyspades tho :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Responded to a very similar question of yours here earlier.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago
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