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  • My 2 independent anti tower griefing suggestion again

    All we know that when you put a 3x3 cube, block inside of cube becomes brown and erase its color. Well, then, let it become also HARDER TO DESTROY EVEN WITH A ETERNAL ALL-DESTROYING SHOVEL. You build strong walls - you get strong walls. You build 1-block thin walls - you get what you build. That's fair.

    Suggestion 1 algorythm can be also improved, if we build the 9x9 cube instead of 3x3. The deeper we go inside cube - the stronger becomes block. I think its not too difficult to code in game.

    That was my brilliant suggestions which you must implement if you really want ace-of-spades to be really greatest 21-st century game. Thank you.

    Posted 13 years ago

    SUGGESTION 3: (oh, my)
    And when you shoot block, it must accumulate damage and not regenerate with time. It's fair too.

    Posted 13 years ago

    how will this stop griefing of towers? Most towers are hollow because people ahve to be inside them >.>

    Posted 13 years ago

    Wow, this is a really cool suggestion. It rewards realistic, bunker-type buildings! It'd make digging tunnels in a terrain map pretty hard, tho. Any ideas about how underground terrain-toughness should be handled?

    I can think of 2 ways this would be useful

    -support columns: if you have a 3x3 tower it'd generate a column of tough-blox in the center, and you could use this to support more robust sniping towers, intel towers, etc.

    -walls at ground level: you could have a building with a 3x thick wall all around its bottom floor, and then have windows and such on the second floor and up. This would give you a defensive building with a base protected by tough-blox that attackers would have to climb over to get in

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    > Any ideas about how underground terrain-toughness should be handled?
    Same way as other blocks, underground must be as harder, as deeper you dig into it. And when you place last block in 3x3 cube (7 block cross, actually), damage of "closed" blocks must be dropped to 0 as its color too.

    Posted 13 years ago

    > Most towers are hollow because people ahve to be inside them
    Most towers are griefed because its durability the same as swiss cheese has.

    Posted 13 years ago

    actually, swiss cheese is a tad bit stronger

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ya,I like it,but maybe it isnt an Chuck Norris-blessed block,maybe it has around 2x or 3x the health of the normal block.

    Brazilian Atheist
    Posted 13 years ago

    Basicly, we need something like the 3D tagging thread.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    Is there a chance that AOS developers ever read this forum? They might be tired to see "new weapons", "mlg go away", "my mom is the best hooker around" suggestions... Well, the main reason that forces me to bump this thread is because i can't play AOS because its totally griefed. It's fucking griefed. It's even not a war game. People play AOS to destroy all blocks on ally side - that is the main goal of every AOS server now, not stealing the intel and even not killing each other. It's just like anti-minecraft where players trying to destroy all blocks on the infinite map. Nor new weapons neither any other suggestions won't help to make the game better, before griefing problem will be solved. Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Also i thought about some "enforced block" that takes 5 or 10 usual blocks to place, but that idea is something worse and I dont even want anybody to think about it. It's the worst idea about enforced blocks. Because it's lame and stupid and too simple even for 10 yr old schoolgays.

    Posted 13 years ago

    And also, about building and enforced blocks, I have another supermegaidea, but it's too early to create separate topic for this. Just imagine - you can BUILD TANKS, JEEPS, MORTARS, even MACHINEGUNS instead of just have them after respawn! You want bunker with machinegun? Okay, build bunker and then build machinegun using _enforced_ blocks that takes 15 for 1. Stupid schoolboys with no brain, of course, cannot into building. But do we need this retards in game? Let them do their homework! TANKS, JEEPS, MORTARS, even MACHINEGUNS is for smart educated people that can into building! Stick with your rifle forever, half-taught idiot. But it's too early for this idea because i must bump this thread.

    Posted 13 years ago
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