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  • noob modder need help

    i need help with making guns i want to make all kind of guns but im a noob at stuff like this and need some one to teach me through ever step??any way i arady know how to use slab6 and try to remodel the rifle and tryed to make it more of a sniper but it failed can people teach me how they get ideas and how do they make it go into the gun they want or can some one give me tips if you want i can maybe link a download or pic of the rifle i made so they can help me correct some things

    Posted 13 years ago

    okay heres what you do copy paste someone elses links

    Posted 13 years ago

    @mrt8062 what you mean by that??you mean steal the slab6 work from people??hell no i want the feel of accomplishment of making a good gun

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok well it's a lot easier to make new weapons when you have a picture to compare it too. Also i usually make my guns 3 blocks wide, which mean the clip is only 1 block wide and there's nice space for making iron sights since the iron sights will look like this

    / \
    / \
    / \
    / \
    /0 0\

    ^ the 0's represent the back sight seperate by 1 voxel
    the | represent's the front sight which should be placed at the front of the gun in between the 2 empty voxels from the back sight.

    Posted 13 years ago

    um thanks but i also need to know how to do pivot or is that not importent

    Posted 13 years ago

    here ima give you a download link for an M16 that i made, you can edit it from there since an M16 looks like a lot of other weapons, and can easily be changed to a sniper by making a longer barrel and a scope

    HK 666 (my made up gun)-
    M16 (U.S army style) -
    M4A1 (U.S army style) -
    M90 (shotty) -

    Sorry no pictures. :((((((
    But there all mine, you can take credit for them but include me as the original model maker.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ok um thanks i post again if i have any probablms

    Posted 13 years ago

    ok, ima be here till 11 to help out!

    Posted 13 years ago

    all yea i forgot to ask this lot of people when they upload there guns they change there gun to like m16.kv6 is it so people know what gun is it or what??

    Posted 13 years ago

    sorry for the late post, ok when you save the file straight from Slab6 it saves it as a kv6.
    So just go on mediafire and upload it and people download it and automatically have the kv6.

    Posted 13 years ago
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