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  • I have to agree with Hitler on Metallica here...


    Rant begin:

    If you didn't know, Metallica have been working on a new album with Lou Reed, and as expected, the shit has hit the fan. Yes, this is a rant, and the fact that this is even real pisses me off to no end.

    They rebounded after St. Anger with Death Magnetic, Slayer did World Painted Blood, Anthrax with Worship Music, and Megadeth with Endgame and 13 soon. Hell, they even played the Big 4 shows all over the place together, the future looked bright for better for 'tallica, but then they pull this shit... I try to stay open to new ideas musically, but this... as Hitler said, You don't see Iron Maiden doing this to their fans... poor Rob... poor Cliff =/


    The sustain, listen to it.
    Posted 13 years ago

    I love Lou Reed, but this is horrible, his vocal style does not mix with metallica's music at all.
    I mean, Metallica's music doesn't mix well with Lou Reed's sexy voice at all.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Lou Reed's the man, Metallica suck.

    Hey babe take a walk on the wild side - Lou Reed 1972

    Komrade TwoStrike
    Posted 13 years ago

    I'm not saying Lou's good or bad, in fact for someone to be around music for that long is a testament to his abilities as an artist, nothing but respect for the guy.

    But this... this isn't good >_<

    The sustain, listen to it.
    Posted 13 years ago

    While Metallica is a good band (screw you, KomradeTwoStrike [unless you meant post-black album Metallica]) and Lou Reed a great musician himself, they do not go together.
    I will assure you this will be the only Metallica album I will not pirate.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Since Death Magnetic, 3 of the Big 4 have put out... It's a damn travesty!!

    Megadeth - Never Dead

    Anthrax - Fight 'Em 'Til You Can't

    Slayer - World Painted Blood

    The sustain, listen to it.
    Posted 13 years ago

    Wait, they kicked out James Hetfield? Or did he leave?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Its a joint project. Metallica (Hetfield, retarded fat drummer whose name escapes me, Hammet and Trujillo) and Lou.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ahh. Lars Ulrich.

    Posted 13 years ago
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