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  • A few ideas :)

    Hello fellow players,

    I think, that the Death Count should be added to the score list.
    well, if you think of it its not THAT important , BUT, players will not just rush at each other, without tactics, and spray with rifles..

    It is more rewarding to look at your score and see 10kills - 2deaths, than just 10kills.

    its only my opinion, such a little detail in the game, would change the gameplay a lot :) ..

    and yes, ummm, ranks ? Like, experience and stuff .. ?

    And, last but not least, you should be able to make your own skin (well u can) and add it in game, so the other players will be able to see it (which is not possible now) .. In the beginning players should only be able to change colors, of the guns, like make cammos and stuff (idea from cod -.-) just to see how it works out :) ..

    That's it, see you in game fellow players :D,
    And AOS team, keep up the good work.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Tbh, I'm against people having thier own personal player and gun skins that show up IG, I like it that everyone looks the same and has the same advantages and disadvantages.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    Death count to leaderboard? Yes please. A generally nicer looking w/ping&deaths&caps is my hope someday.

    Own skin.. hmm.. as Frosty says it might be annoying. Perhaps a server option?
    There's ideas to have separate kv6's for each team (my personal idea being having one set for whichever team you join, and one for the opposition)..
    If skins there'd have to be some kind of verification of how much % of each kv6 shows the team colour, which again might be a bit awkward.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Hell no, I'm a proud charger (and a pretty good one) and you know why, cause camping is boring and the only tactic that most of the players will use to keep their kill/death ratio high is camping, which means twice the frustration (at least for me) and will also lead to spawn camping and MOST IMPORTANT: it would make players like me look like noobs compared to the real camper noobs.
    Also "pro Nazis" will start kicking people for having a low kill/death ratio which could
    be annoying especially cause half the players vote yes without even reading the reason for it.
    So NO.

    The Mighty Comrade
    Posted 13 years ago

    Own skin would kinda suck....Would you want a rainbow skin in a war game?????

    Death count should be optional by the player. I personally wouldn't like it, as it's negative to any1 and every1.

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^One of the things I like about this game is that it doesn't show a death count.
    I can focus on getting points and I don't think about how many death I get.

    Best Served Chilled
    Posted 13 years ago

    Yes for meaningless ranks (or minor one that grant you like different types of grenades but nothing too big) and yes for skins.

    The Mighty Comrade
    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, same here. When it comes to joining clans it may be harder. Wouldn't you rather see yourself having 1,000 kills than 983 deaths and 1,000 kills?!

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    @TheGeekZeke101 then you wouldn't show your real skill in game, and that would be just bad..

    You are more pro if your score is 100 - 15
    than just 100 .. ehhh you guys don't seem to understand it.

    It's more rewarding to have a death streak, than just staying all day with AOS open, and getting like 1000 kills ..

    There is nothing PRO about you if you have 1000 kills *but you have died 1000 times ..

    *(and yes i was wrong for the skins, i don't want a rainbow gun xD, just a nice death count :3 )*

    Posted 13 years ago

    What if you got 1 point for kill and -1 point for death. Then bad players would be below zero and good players would be above 0. Also it should show the time how long the player is playing on the server.

    It would be something different and new than typical K/D leaderboard IMO.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Like I said I wouldn't mind if there is an option, but I would prefer keeping it personal.

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago
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