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  • The Bathtub Armory (Don't be weirded out yet please)

    Hey all. :D

    So I've developed a new hobby for my free-time: general modding. (b^^)b So far, I've made quite a few new but solely fictional weapons, and I WISH I could share and show them to you. At the moment, I can:

    -Create weapon & grenade skins
    -Create blocky ironsights w/ modifications for enhanced accuracy
    -Create modified hit indicators (a bit harder, but still do-able I suppose), targets (crosshairs), numbers, & icons (those things on the minimap that represent where people are) (all of these are a bit harder than usual do to the scale, but they are still definitely executable ;D)
    -Create modded Pickaxes and Spades (probably just gonna be Spades by the end of today... :P )
    -Create Player skins
    -Create CP skins
    -Create Intel skins

    But I have one problem: I don't have a mediafire, a Photobucket, a working Print Screen key, or ANYTHING I need to show and give you guys the awesomeness of them!!! T________T So I was wondering- would anybody like to assist me in sharing these weapons in an "armory" by:

    -Putting them up for download via mediafire
    -Presenting pictures of the weapons to the public
    -Taking in-game screenshots
    -Propoganda such as posters or videos for the weapons (if necessary; only if they become so truly liked ;) )

    ??? :( If I can get someone to do that for me, then not only will I just be making random weapons of my own, but I'll also be willing to make weapons for you guys too! :D NOTE: due to the fact that schoolwork is abundant for me, don't expect projects to be finished as soon as you give them to me (that's an exaggeration by the way, you all know what I'm trying to get at -.-)... :,(

    Still, can you guys tell me how you feel about this request for a partner or group of partners to help me get a steady modding business going? :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    ... Anyone? :,(

    Posted 13 years ago

    I would definitely like to help. My media fire acc is loney! Im a bit confused though...How will I get everything if I can't download them?!

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    can i help?

    Posted 13 years ago

    @TheGeekZeke101 he could email all of the files to you, of course... unless his e-mail is broken as well :P

    Ze Trull
    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah that could work Azn. :D Naw, I could email them to you, you can just Skype me your email some time Zeke. ;) And Pugler, I guess you can help too, why not? d(^^)b The more the merrier I suppose!

    And on the topic of working together, Zeke- what are we gonna do about that new clan idea? :(

    Posted 13 years ago

    Clan Idea-Not exactly sure. We need to talk more about it a bit

    Mods: email is [email protected] (Tell me when you email me!) I never check my email so warn me! Send me the files right now and I could do some of them.

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    Clan Idea- Yeah seriously, I hope you wanna actually make that clan we thought about though. :)

    Mods: Well... erm... umm... well, I don't have a "pack" or offcial "set" of modded stuff ready yet, it's mostly just scattered stuff. ._.' I'll send you an email though to let you get my email too, kk? ;D I'll tell you when I have a "pack" ready, okay?

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^Well how long you expect this to be done? Um sure.....You will have to remind me because I just use my emial for acc's and things of those sorts.

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    Eh, maybe a few days. :P I have a Semi, an SMG, and a Shotgun ready (and a Skin I guess... :-\), but I need Grenades, CPs, Intels, & so on. :P And I'll send it to you in a second. ;)

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^Mind giving me some teaser pics/downloads? Im always so excited :D

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    Lol yeah I can try. I'll see what I can do. ;)

    Posted 13 years ago

    1 prob dont know how to mod so can me make sghts

    Posted 13 years ago
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