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  • New grenade discussion->pyspades

    Alright, after being bothered by the fact of shotty not having an exclusive (well technically it wont be exclusive soon but meh) grenade to call its own and love and name George, i kept bothering he who shant be named. he agreed and said hed work on a grenade (aswell as being able to use any grenade with any weapon) anyways after a bit of discussion we came up with 3 possibilities. the point of this thread is to say which one you feel is best and say why. as well as point out the flaws of the ones to help us make the best decision.

    (tl;dr, say the pros and cons of the listed grenades. try to limit stupid responses)

    1) Cluster grenade
    the original grenade that He who shant be named came up with ages ago but never made, its as the name implys. once it explodes itll throw out smaller grenades out in the area. (as of course the grenades will be massively nerfed so it wont be launching out a shit ton of ohko nades) as usual large primary explosion, followed by mini explosions.

    2) Transportation grenade

    toss it and teleport to where it blows. primarily made for shotgun, which would benefit greatly from this. in addition itll prove useful for getting into forts or high up areas thatd normally be a bitch to get to. decreased fall damage from .6 also complement this nicely. (this grenade will deal no damage)

    3) vampire/transfusion grenades

    this grenade will have its damage weakened quite a bit. however the trade off is itll heal the user by the amount damaged. in addition its blast radius will be increased.

    example. I throw a grenade and it hits Urist for 25 damage. I get healed 25 damage.

    alright state questions and comments here, help us make the best choice.
    (yes, the best choice WILL be implemented into piespades, so dont be retarded. thanks in advanced)

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    I like the griefing potential on the cluster grenade. Sounds like fun.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I always thought there should be a script like this-

    30 Nades for everyone

    No guns or pickaxe

    Nades have a 10 block radius kill, can only go so far until you die(kinda like water, excpet on land splitting the teams up)

    [Elite] SMG
    Posted 13 years ago

    cluster grenades would be cool, i remember soldat had these. the others seem weird, but the vampire one is pretty cool

    Posted 13 years ago

    please remember to say problems you could see with the options, simply saying "i like it" isnt helping.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    Cluster grenades! Imagine throwing one of those into a bunker window :D

    Also, looking forward to any grenade/any gun combo!

    EDIT: I think the gameplay is too fast paced for a vamp-grenade to be useful.

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah you may be right, itd pretty much only cancel out fall damage which is getting nerfed in .6

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    I still need to hear more, so keep it coming.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    I think the transportation grenade would be good but make walls useless, so mabey it should activate on impact?

    Posted 13 years ago

    hmmm, ok then, still need more.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    Cluster nades are probably the best of the three.... maybe possibly having each mini nade destroy a block making them bunker wreckers
    the tele nade has some potential but nades are a little inaccurate to be used for travel but would be beastly for getting into a tower or bunker although the nade would probably be camped for a free kill
    vamp nades... well... i dont like the concept plus they are a little unrealistic

    Posted 13 years ago

    see this? ^ this is what i want. alright noted.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    would the teleporting grenade have instant tele as in no throwing action and higher range for throwing... that would be nice

    Posted 13 years ago

    Flash bang, if in blast radius and n enemy team a PNG will cover your screen for a few secs.

    The ong will be white haze or similer.

    Nuff said...

    - DE

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    ^You can do that with python right?

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    I like the teleport nade or the vamp nade. Great ideas.

    Posted 13 years ago

    While I think the teleport grenade and the vampire grenade are good ideas, I'm not sure that they would fit well with the WWII style of the game. . . just a thought.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i'd prefer a flashbang or smoke grenade

    Posted 13 years ago

    To be honest I would prefer gas grenades but you can't have everything in life I guess.

    I lean towards the cluster as vampire and teleport are too much sci-fi to me.
    Also the health gain from vampire isn't really that important as you can still be 1-shot.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i like my games 2 be as real as possible. so transportation nades suck

    Posted 13 years ago

    Forget 2. ; 1. 3. is okay.

    Posted 13 years ago


    I think Gas grenades would be the best!
    Quite a large area and quite a long time span. They would be great for area denial.

    I dont like the 3 suggestions in the OP personally.

    Posted 13 years ago

    "^You can do that with python right?"
    no, you cant. we cant make the game recognize new pngs/kv6s/wavs, etc.

    were not taking suggestions because these three are the ones most feasible (as in actually possible to make)

    "While I think the teleport grenade and the vampire grenade are good ideas, I'm not sure that they would fit well with the WWII style of the game. . . just a thought."

    the game has no set time period, besides, the dirt (implosion) nades kinda already killed that.

    "would the teleporting grenade have instant tele as in no throwing action and higher range for throwing... that would be nice"

    no, itd act the exact same as a normal grenade, except when it "explodes" it simply teleports you to that spot.

    anyways so far ive gathered vampire is useless, teleportation is meh, and cluster is preferred.

    Yellow Pegasus
    Posted 13 years ago

    cluster has massive potential for destruction and makes life a living hell for builders and is potentially TOO powerful (please state the number of mini bombs launched and there damage value)

    if the vamp grenade will extend the life expectancy of players out of the base but i actually a recommend a healing grenade that heals all player in its radius over a life steal grenade that could be hard to effectively used and reinforces the "lone wolf" mentality when as a healing grenade encourages teamwork slightly more.

    teleporting grenades would have to A) stick to what ever the hit or B) instantly teleport the player to the first location that hit
    and would need a MUTCH more gentle arch then the typical grenade to be effective.

    all grenades would have to be easily visually identify able at a glance.

    The "dirt grenades" in practice where incredibly user friendly and efficient for clogging up tunnels or making "instant cover" or forming resources and allowed people to make quick and semi efficient repairs to load bearing objects (eg. the bridge pillars in bridge wars) effectively the most versatile grenades I have actively used.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ok so gas grenades arent a possibility I believe you are saying.
    Are healing grenades possible? If so how about a healing cluster grenade. It would create a healing area that lasts for quite a long time.

    The vamp and teleport ideas dont fit the game imo. A cluster grenade that damages, while fun, is pretty unnecessary I think.

    Dont let my negativity stop you though. The teleport nade and clusterbomb would be really fun. Just have options to turn them off maybe?

    Posted 13 years ago
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