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  • AoS 0.60 General Reaction Topic

    -SMG no longer sucks
    -global killfeed
    -configurable controls
    -added windowed mode
    -spade now has alt-fire (replaces pickaxe functionality)
    -server can reset map or load new map without restarting
    -map transfers now compressed
    -wireframe block placement
    -can now hear other players reload
    -score page is now sorted
    -out of ammo indicator
    -clearer chat console
    -better hit registration
    -actual .ini files
    -separate configs for client and server
    -network protocol improvements

    known bugs:
    infinite nade bug (throw a grenade then hold your second one and press t, doesnt kill or destroy though)
    lag (only happens on pyspades servers, either there will be a new AoS hotfix or new pyspades, move without rubberbanding by crouching in pyservers)
    shotgun issues (?)

    so whaddya think?
    the config controls are a little tough to configure and SMG headshot sniping is possible (2-4 headshots by smg = DEAD)

    Posted 13 years ago

    Grenade has been known since .54 has been released.

    Posted 13 years ago

    There is literaly nothing i dislike about the 0.60 update, i love all of it >< the smg especialy.

    Complaining it can get headshots? lol well its a gun aint it ;D of course it should be able to get headshots, this game used to be totaly rifle dominated, with the other two weapons being asthetic add ons.

    But now weve taken a massive step closer to the other two weapons beiing good alternatives to just using the rifle ALL the time.

    - DE

    The Grand Exterminator
    Posted 13 years ago

    My only issue is the removal of the pickaxe. Also, the SMG buff allows me to finally have an automatic rifle.

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    All we need now is a leaning feature and a prone feature. Give it a more realistic feel for war!

    Posted 13 years ago

    Dislike Pickaxe Removal :/ That changed 1-5 to 1-4 now which is REALLY throwing me off.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Same here! And you cannot change the gun select numbers in the Key config, which is what I planned to do.

    Map Maker
    Posted 13 years ago

    pxy get on skype

    Posted 13 years ago

    Also, here's hoping for rocket/grenade launchers, C4, LMGs, and individual team skins in .61 .

    Papa Khan
    Posted 13 years ago

    The SMG I haven't complained about in the past, but now I think its OP. The shoots start spreading about 60 blocks away, if it weren't for the low damage, you could snipe with this thing!
    The reload banner is very pointless.
    ...Everything else is fine though.
    And the reson he removed the pickaxe and gave the shovel an alt fire is because you wouldn't have another slot to worry about, now you have the ULTIMATE DIGGING MACHINE!

    that dude
    Posted 13 years ago

    Referring to the primary list...

    1. Yes, the SMG no longer sucks, and I absolutely LOVE it!!! :D It's like ACTUALLY a good weapon!
    2. Yeah, the global killfeed is a good feature, I like it.
    3. Wait, how do you configure controls? O.o'
    4. Yeah, the window mode is cool, and it oughta help people a lot.
    5. Yeah, I admit that I'm gonna miss them as separates, but it was still a good idea I guess. :?
    6. Wait, the server can do that?
    7. What's a map transfer? ._.'
    8. Yeah, the wireframe is actually a cool feature, but now it looses another touch of MineCraft that it had mixed into it... :,(
    9. Wait I thought you could before.
    10. I didn't notice that, how is it sorted?
    11. Yeah, the reload warning is a good thing, it helps me a lot. :)
    12. What do you mean by that? How can someone get "hit better"...?
    13. Idk what .ini files are so nyeah. XD
    14. ... No idea what that is either.
    15. ^That :,(

    Then for the bugs...

    16. Well is that really a problem then if it doesn't do damage?
    17. Yeah, I actually kinda think the lag got fixed. :?
    18. OMG I HATE ALL OF THE ISSUES WITH THE SHOTGUN!!! >:( You can only reload once, sometimes it will fire but not launch any bullets while spending ammo, AND sometimes it just doesn't do damage! T__________T
    19. There's one glitch I experienced where I was jammed in a crouching position and couldn't move or stand up when I stood under a ceiling, but specifically next to a block that was in the 2nd tier altitude compared to my height. It must have processed that I was in the block or something. :-\

    Regarding other things...

    20. The thing people don't understand is that the SMG is an up-close and personal weapon. It's the only real balance between the Semi and the Shottie. So if you're up against someone with a Shotgun at close range, you'll lose to them most likely, and you'll also lose when it comes to a long-ranged battle with an opponent with a Semi. :( But reverse the scenarios, and you've got a gun that works. :D It really just depends on the other person, their weapon, and the distance.

    21. Also, another note about the SMG: people are afraid of the multiple headshots, but only such a thing would happen at a medium range. Then again, kills are that easy to get at that rangge for EVERY weapon. The SMG didn't have that, and it's actually what it NEEDED to make it equal to the other guns. But the thing is, it's not like you're gonna get 2-4 headshots in a row when you're "sniping" with a SMG. This is because you may aim at the other person, but when you shoot, even though it's just slight in 0.60, the recoil will point you away from their head either way. It's actually REALLY hard to get those headshots when it comes to distance, and that's where the Semi still remains the most dominant as the "Sniper Class" weapon. So as you can all see, there has FINALLY been fixes on the guns, and we now have a gun for every range- Long, Short, and Average. ;)

    In all honesty, I'm REALLY glad these updates were put in, but I also admit that there are somet things that need to be fixed up again- but only slightly! ;D

    Posted 13 years ago

    no work for me
    sad face

    Posted 13 years ago

    anyone else get mouse sensitivity problems?

    Posted 13 years ago

    I agree with Khan, those would all be really nice additions. I think it's pretty good, the only thing that I would have liked is if the shotgun got a few extra pellets, just to balance the game even more.

    also, shadowwriter, I think that you can change the sensitivity now, but if you're running it on WINE using Linux, I think other people have this problem, too

    Posted 13 years ago

    The smg needs to be nerfed a tad, with it needing another headshot bullet for a kill, and a wider spread (~10% or so) just so the shotty isnt completly useless. The smg should then get a 32 clip with more in reserve, since it require more for a kill.

    Shotty then needs another 2-3 pellers per shot and needs to be fixed.
    Everything is fine, gameplay wise. I kinda like the reload banner, when it does come up.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Can't we just make the SMG a LMG and replace it with a battle rifle?

    Posted 13 years ago

    @shadowwriter yea, for some reason, it was on mouse sensitivity 2 instead of 1 in the config file.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Where can I download psyspades for 0.6?

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    Hi Winston, try this:


    Stinkious Maximus
    Posted 13 years ago

    EDIT; Wait... How do I use this?

    Extreme Brit
    Posted 13 years ago

    I reckon this update's going to make a couple of fairly popular maps a lot less appealling; the first team to get two or three people with SMGs to the middle of the map in Pinpoint or Bridgewars have as good as won the match now, at least if you're playing to X number of kills like most servers seem to be.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Actually, there's only one more suggestion I have: it would help A LOT if bullets did less damage to blocks, because the SMG cuts them down REALLY fast... :( Like, the Shotgun should really be the only gun to like clear a block instantly in my opinion, and that's what it will always do with it's spread shot. :) But right now, the SMG cuts down cover WAY too easily and kills the people behind them so easily. That's the only "complaint" I have against the SMG now, but otherwise, I say it's a GREAT improvement that actually makes it a fun weapon to use and fight against! :D

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah I tried changing it all over the board and it didn't help, and yes I am running WINE with Linux.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Am I the only one who feels AOS became laggier after the update?

    The Mighty Comrade
    Posted 13 years ago
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