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  • Porting to Linux

    This is a great game when you're running windows but on Linux specifically Ubuntu the performance seems to degrade with each update, the game would run better natively on Linux that it does through Wine and increase the player base to both Linux users and other Unix OS's such as Mac OS x.
    This may issue may have been raised before although nothing has been done about it, and I am aware that this brilliant game is only developed by the one guy but many people are missing out on the game.
    so yeah, please consider porting to Linux and other Unix Os's

    - killerhoboXx

    Posted 13 years ago

    I must agree with this, I run it under wine, and it's worked fine until now, now its unplayable because of mouse problems.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I think I remember reading that he would eventually port it to linux, somewhere. I would also like it, I use Windows mostly, but I'm more used to Linux, and kind of like using it more

    Posted 13 years ago
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