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  • How do I get skins?

    I'm a newbie so I don't know

    Posted 13 years ago

    You don't.

    Kommissar of Komrades
    Posted 13 years ago

    with h4x

    Dah Bawss
    Posted 13 years ago

    Oh you silly Komrades... XD


    Basically, just follow these steps:

    1) Get somebody to make a skin for you, or find a skin that you can download that you like. This includes kv6 files for the actual skins and png files for your custom sights.
    2) Download those to your C: drive. I recommend making another file named "Ace of Spades Custom" just so you know where all of your custom files are. If you chose to do this, save them to that folder.
    3) Copy and paste those files (the skins, models, and sights) to the actual "Ace of Spades" folder in the proper folders (kv6 files go in "kv6" folder, png files go in "png" folder, etc.).
    4) In those folders, you will see all of the original files and their names. What you want to do is you want to rename the original file or the file that you are currently using for that aspect of the game and then rename the new file that you just pasted as what that one was called. So for example, let's say I have a modded SMG kv6 file. I would paste that file into the AoS folder, into the kv6 folder, and then let it stay there. I would rename the original SMG kv6 file "smg original", just because it would help me recognize it, and I would then rename the new file as "smg". You NEED to do this, because what the game does is it searches for those files by those specific names. So in this case, it will load the new file which is named "smg" instead of the old file which is now named "smg original".
    5) Before you go into game, I suggest making sure that you copied, pasted, and renamed everything properly so that you have everything that the game needs for its elements. For example, if you forgot to rename that new smg file but did rename the old one, then you wouldn't have an "smg" file for the game to load and thus it will give you an error that says something like "Error loading kv6 file" or such.
    6) Once you're sure that you've set up everything properly, simply enter the game, and you're models/sights should be replaced with your new modded ones. :)

    Hope this helps you!

    Posted 13 years ago

    You need a UV exposure chamber like they had in The Fifth Element

    This is not a title.
    Posted 13 years ago

    Wall of text from soap

    Posted 13 years ago
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