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  • Can't get my server to work
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    i keep getting the message "Server Connection Failed: It's either full or misconfigured" whenever i try to join my server, and so does everyone else who tries to join, i forwarded my ports, you can see the server on the website "durp hurp" but you can't join it. what am i doing wrong?

    Posted 13 years ago

    are you by chance running it through wine on CentOS?

    Posted 13 years ago

    nope, windows 7

    Posted 13 years ago

    Did you try connecting to it locally? Use aos://16777343 and copy/paste into a browser. You forwarded the 32887 UDP port? Not TCP?

    Posted 13 years ago

    that link worked, but can you connect through the serverlist?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Well... this is a start at least. What's the server name and maybe I'll see if I can connect.

    Posted 13 years ago

    durp hurp (thats the server name)

    Posted 13 years ago

    also running it as admin does nothing

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah. I see it on the listing but can't connect. It's really probably just something about your portforwarding. Or maybe a windows 7 firewall thing? I don't run Win7 so I really wouldn't be the one to ask.

    Posted 13 years ago

    if you get this server working maybe i could try it if i could find out how to fix my problem! when ever i click a sever this comes up:Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (aos) isn't associated with any program. and i dont know what to do! if you could help that would be amazing!thanks :)

    Posted 13 years ago

    I get the same problem on my windows 7. Sucks right?

    Posted 13 years ago

    yea i have vista and i would really like to play this game you know anything i can do?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Same issues for me. Help would be much appreciated.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Does ANYONE know a fix for this?

    Posted 13 years ago

    The firefox thing?... get Chrome.
    If you really want to stick with firefox, trawl through the settings and Help guide they have.

    As for the server, follow this: http://ragrappy99.picturepush.com/showformat.php?format=img&image=5455015

    Summary being, make sure your port forwarding is setup correctly for 32887.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Grandmaster I've seen that pic about 100 times. It doesn't help because I've done all of that.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I want to jump in here because everytime I see this issue come up people just say "forward your ports," which isn't the problem many of us are having. This issue is being constantly written off, and as such I don't think the developer is looking into a solution at this time.

    I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I'm 100% certain that my problems (and the problems a number of others are having running servers) are not related to port forwarding or firewall settings; I've been running game servers for a decade now and am certainly familiar with handling routers and firewalls by now.

    The AoS server absolutely will not accept external connections under certain conditions which I haven't been able to pin down so far (because the "check your ports" noise is mostly keeping the discussion from happening). So far every report of this issue I've run into has been on Win7 64-bit, but I haven't seen enough cases where people included their system stats to be certain this is the only OS that experiences this problem.

    I have (of course) forwarded UDP port 32887, and then tried putting my server in DMZ (which directly exposes *all* ports to the internet, unsafe but used for testing). Windows firewall is entirely disabled. Connections still cannot be established from anywhere but the server system itself. I even tried plugging the system directly into my modem, completely bypassing any router firewalling, which didn't help.

    Just to make sure I wasn't going completely insane, I also successfully ran various other types of servers on port 32887 (other games, an FTP server, a web server) which can all be accessed by people outside of my network.

    I'm also fairly certain (someone correct me if this is wrong) that the server browser will now test port 32887 on any server that connects to it, so only servers that pass this test will show on the list, however you can still find a number of servers there which cannot be accessed and are constantly at 0/XX.

    It'd be great if we could get everyone having this issue to post some basic system info, especially the OS version. We will probably get some false positives from people who actually *haven't* forwarded 32887, but that should be easy to weed out.

    *TL;DR version*: This is a real issue, not related to port forwarding failure, which seems to only effect Win7. If you are having this issue and are 100% certain UDP port 32887 is forwarded then please list your OS so we can help the dev track it down.

    Posted 13 years ago

    ^ Thank you my good man for taking your time to help. My OS is "Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit" Hope that helps.

    Posted 13 years ago

    it's definitely not only a port issue because i'm running a server on CentOS through wine that's nearly full all the time, but i'm having this "misconfigured" issue on two separate CentOS boxes that are configured the same way. they appear on the server listing with 0/XX players, but when i try to connect to them i get the message, "Server Connection Failed: It's either full or misconfigured"

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, I no longer think this is just limited to Win7. I just loaded Wine onto my Mac laptop and started up a server which is having the same issue. Maybe it would help to compare routers and modems at this point...

    I'm running a Linksys WRT54G (fairly old but has always worked when I need to host servers from home) and my cable modem is an Arris TM502G (through Comcast).

    I'm starting to wonder if port 32887 has some other function that's not widely known, or incoming UDP on this port is blocked by certain modems/ISP's for some reason (any old DoS attacks associated with this port? Seems kind of unlikely). The tests I ran with the port were only with applications that use TCP, but I did find a "port testing" program (not one of those web testers, those don't work with UDP) that confirmed that access to 32887 on UDP was open.

    Posted 13 years ago

    all i know about my operating system is its an older version of windows, and its 32 bit,
    but i dont have this problem, my modem is 2wire 2800hgv-b
    (just thought since your after what doesn't work, it might be good to know at-least a little of what does work)

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago

    I have a Netgear WGR61v10 router. Hope it helps.

    Posted 13 years ago

    i don't host from home. my servers are in different data centers at different locations around the world. all are configured identically running CentOS with wine, but only one allows players to connect.

    >I'm starting to wonder if port 32887 has some other function that's not widely known, or
    >is blocked by certain modems/ISP's for some reason (any old DoS attacks associated with
    >this port? Seems kind of unlikely).

    interesting thought, makes me wonder as well...

    Posted 13 years ago

    Bump in case someone can help.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Vista 64 bit

    Linksys WRT54GS Router

    Have tried both portforwarding and DMZing, and there is exceptions in the firewall.

    Windstream Communications ISP, might be the problem.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I dont have windstream.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I too am having issues with running servers. I can get as far as playing my own map but nobody joins the game, and after a short while I eventually get disconnected. I'm running xp on a lame five year old Westinghouse laptop through a wireless connection (the router is downstairs.) I always assumed it was my extremely outdated equip + bad connection that caused the problems but this thread has made me come to think otherwise, and even being able to play a few small private games on my custom maps with my laptop would be nice enough to satisfy.

    P.S. I'm confident I've forwarded the correct port and made an exception for my firewall to allow it.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I have the same problem since v0.36. UDP 32887 is forwarded correctly. Even the firewall is disabled. Nobody can connect to my server through the serverlist. The only possible way to connect is aos://16777343 but this is only localhost. I'm running Windows XP SP3. Everything worked fine with 0.35 but it's impossible to run a server since 0.36. The bug even exists in 0.42.

    Posted 13 years ago

    it's unfortunate that this problem is being passed off as a blocked port because there's obviously something else going on.

    i've been able to successfully host only 2 servers out of the 5 i've tried. 1 of those 2 is running through wine on CentOS, the other is running Windows 7 Professional. 1 of the 3 that fails is running Windows 7 Home Premium and the other 2 of the 3 that fail are running CentOS.

    for the servers that fail, the following combination has been tried many times over:

    1) opened port 32887 UDP on router, DMZ, etc.
    2) removed router completely so that the computer connects directly to modem
    3) disabled software firewalls
    4) disabled software anti virus/malware/etc.
    5) disabled extra network devices, such as second unused ethernet ports

    the Windows 7 Pro machine that works uses the same ISP of the Windows 7 Home Prem machine that doesn't work. the other two CentOS machines that don't work are in separate data centers.

    Ben, are you sure nothing else is required to host servers besides opening port 32887? the more i attempt to fix the "misconfigured" servers the more i wonder if there's a glitch somewhere in the IP to aos address conversion process.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Bump because we need help.

    Posted 13 years ago
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