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  • Helpful Map editor TIPS please!!!

    Hey guys I am looking to create a Vietnam map and i am having some trouble with the map editor....I would really appreciate it if you guys gave me some layman's tips and instructions on using this complicated map editor.

    Posted 13 years ago

    the readme is included with the download. You should go check the readme before you try and get going with a map. It takes an hour to learn all the controls and then you shoudl get the hang of it. The program is very clunky though at times. There really needs to be a better painting tool besides spraypainting everything.

    Going off on a tangent here,but I wish there was a painting tool where you can click a voxel similar to the delete and insert process, select a color, and highlight the voxels you want to turn that color.

    y= inverts axis
    insert= inserts 1 voxel/brick at a time
    delete= deleted a voxel

    numpad 5,1,2,3 are similar in function to wasd when you move in game. After you click insert or delete for voxels, you can make walls or lengthen the deletion/insertion area using the numpad.

    Other crazy commands are in the readme.

    Posted 13 years ago

    If you're going to go for a vietnam map... I'd first generate some terrain with the server, save the map from in-game (F1 key, you may have to turn off UAC in Windows Vista/7).

    Then make a couple tree/building varieties in slab6, and insert them all over the place with 'U' in voxed to make jungles or towns.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    lol sorry but how would one go about generating terrain in the server?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Find the Ace of Spades server in your start menu and type 'gen' after launching.

    If your server doesn't show up in the list, you can still join using the "Localhost Connect" link near the top of the serverlist.

    Key Master
    Posted 13 years ago

    thanks a bunch guys


    Posted 13 years ago

    oh ya also...when importing slab 6 do i need to change the size of the blocks or do some sort formatting....because i don't want to make a tree and have it the size of a gun..if you know what i mean

    Posted 13 years ago
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