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  • Couple of bugs

    I can alt-tab in and out of the game fine but when I alt-tab back in I take damage for some reason.

    Also not so much a bug but you can dig a hole underneath the supply so it falls down. Just seems a bit odd and semi-griefy to me.

    Posted 13 years ago

    "I can alt-tab in and out of the game fine but when I alt-tab back in I take damage for some reason."

    If there was no one else in game, definitely a bug, but I had alt-tabbed out before, and quickly came back in, only to notice I'd taken a tiny bit of damage. Could've been hit by a stray shot or some shrapnel.

    "Also not so much a bug but you can dig a hole underneath the supply so it falls down. Just seems a bit odd and semi-griefy to me."

    I did this to the blue team last game and thought the same thing. Was surprised to see it had actually worked. A few games ago, the enemy covered our base with a thick layer of blocks. Honestly, it's just something that happens.

    Took me a hell of a long time to sabotage that supply base, too. :v

    Posted 13 years ago

    I heard if you empty your rifle magazine, switch to the block, hold down the left mouse button, then switch back to your rifle, you get a "bottomless magazine."

    Anyone that can connect right now want to test that?

    Posted 13 years ago

    Yes, you lose health when alt-tabbed out. Not sure why. Perhaps an anti-AFK measure?

    Posted 13 years ago
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