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  • Can't host!

    I've run the server on my Dedicated Server, and when I try to connect, it says "Could not connect to server"..

    Posted 13 years ago

    also the server console windows randomly closes...

    Posted 13 years ago

    ive got the same prob, running a 1gb (plenty for this) xp server, and the console keeps closing.. any way of preventing this would be nice and open a 24/7 server for a month or 4

    Posted 13 years ago

    yeah, my server is a 3gig VPS with 16 CPU cores.. should be enough

    Posted 13 years ago

    Have you forwarded UDP port 32887 like it says in the documentation?(such as it is)

    Posted 13 years ago

    yes... ofc we have
    the main problem is the random console closing.

    Posted 13 years ago

    A VPS has no router and no need to forward anything. It has a firewall and I made a Rule for the server.exe
    It should work...

    edit: The random shutdown is due to a disconnect from the master server...

    Posted 13 years ago

    Ports are forwarded, server launches, and then console closes, after about 15 seconds.

    I am unable to host due to this.
    I have tried it on Windows 7 x64, Server 2008r2 (64 bit), and on Windows 2003 32 bit.
    I have tried with compatibility mode as well..

    All systems are quad core systems with a minimum of 8 gigs of RAM (the 2008r2 and 2003 boxes are 64 gig and 16 gig respectively)

    I get nothing with it. Can't host. :(

    Posted 13 years ago

    At the moment servers are closing quite often because they lose connection to the master server (I assume because the master server is being flooded).

    Posted 13 years ago

    well, the console closes before i'm even done putting in the info

    Posted 13 years ago

    If the server is dropping due to a disconnect from the master server, then as stated in a different thread, the server needs to be able to pull data from a INI file for configuration...

    I would like to be able to host a private server meant specifically for a group of individuals on a forum I frequent. I have the server hardware, as you can see above, and most definitely have the bandwidth capabilities.

    I realize this is beta.... I am not griping. I just think that the next revision should utilize an INI file for the server.

    Posted 13 years ago

    I can set up the server all fine, i can see it on the server browser, but when i go to join it...
    i get the cannot connect error
    I have port forwarded, even stuck the server in a DMZ.
    still nothing...

    Posted 13 years ago

    Like shrogg I also tried using a DMZ (and obviously have the port forwarded properly anyway). Still no one can join. I'm running a MineCraft server on this same system and have no issues with players joining.

    For the sake of looking for common threads, I'm on Win7 64-bit, and my connection is through Comcast.

    On a semi-related note, the game should really have an option to use a different port if the host wants to.

    Posted 13 years ago

    Same issue, win7 64-bit. Tried compatibility mode.

    Posted 13 years ago

    My mate on the same OS has managed to get into one server but gets errors on most. Can't get into mine (we're about a street away so isn't latency). I have other people joining my server but can't get on it. If I spam a server marked 0.26 I eventually got in.

    Still no luck joining my own server, but lots of others have managed.

    Posted 13 years ago
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