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  • How do you host a Sever??

    Its says to forword port... but i dont know what that means someone please help me.

    Posted 13 years ago

    1) go to you start menu
    2) click on run and then type cmd
    3) once in type ipconfig
    4) then get your defualt gateway ip adress
    5)go into your internet exporer and type in your default gateway ip addres
    6) it will ask for username and passwor dby defualt username is amdin and password is just the owrd password.
    7) once your in go to your port forwarding make the external port 32887 and the internal port 32887
    8) for protocal set it to UDP
    9) go back to you ipconfig in your command window and get your ip address then type that in to the end of the in your port forwarding menu
    10) thats it then go to the ace of spades server app and generate a map and select how many players and what its called i think i got it righ thope that helped

    Posted 13 years ago

    if thia didnt help google portforward.com

    The Creator
    Posted 13 years ago
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